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RSS Solnovi

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1 point

When we think about armed conflict with N. Korea, often times there military might is mocked or looked at humorously by Americans. This is an arrogant and uninformed position to take and I feel like everyone should know and take into consideration the following facts. Make no mistake; the USA is much more advanced technologically. The USA spends an obscene amount of money each year on researching and improving its military systems, and employs some of the most advanced weapon and communications systems on the planet. The US Naval and Air Forces along with the weapon systems they employ gives the USA a definite edge in any conflict with N. Korea. According to an article on “the U.S has the largest number of active [nuclear] warheads in the world. The U.S. also has the largest number of aircraft and helicopters by far with just over 21,000 and barely skirts ahead of China in the number of tanks and armored vehicles.” Although, the USA would be at a significant disadvantage in the number of boots it could put on the ground and would be seriously outnumbered in personnel both active and reserve.

Now, let’s take a look at some stats and information about N. Korea that the media seems to be marginalizing. Overall, N. Korea is the 5th most powerful army on earth…. That statement alone is significant, trailing behind only India, Russia, China, and the USA. This is not the Taliban we are dealing with here folks, this is a full-fledged state funded military that now has chemical and nuclear weapons capability. N. Korea can field an estimated 6-8 million personnel (the largest standing army on earth), 3500 battle tanks, 2500 armored vehicles, and 900-1000 ground and attack aircraft. N. Korea employ’s the world’s 3rd largest chemical weapon stockpile, medium and long range missile capabilities, and an estimated 5-8 nuclear weapons. All of this is coupled with sixty years of isolation, perpetual war preparations, and fortifying their assets; nearly all of N. Korea’s key facilities including air bases are located underground and would be very difficult to strike from the air or sea. Fighting a war with N. Korea would not be a pretty picture, and would likely be one of the biggest military challenges the USA would face in modern times should conflict erupt.

I feel overall the USA would win a conflict with N. Korea, but not without serious cost and loses. If China decides to enter the fray, than we would be talking about the foundation for a third world war and an entirely different discussion. This is an extremely volatile situation on the Korean Peninsula, and should not be looked at lightly by US citizens; complacency and arrogance will not win you this fight.

Supporting Evidence: Top Ten Armies in the World (
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Name: Jamie Alcorn
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: Some College

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