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RSS Sterrick

Reward Points:39
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point


I do not believe of a global worming, if you believe that cow farting can change the climate you are beyond retarded.

1 point

You are a pale bitch, you dont even hunting your own food.

1 point

I can get an ieodeine by eating the thyroid of the cow and the DHA i get fropm brains tissue.

1 point

You belligerent walrus blubber bitch.

There is a difference between free speech and impeding people from doing what they want to do in public places so you can scream at them.

If you have the right to get in Amarels way and yell at him in public then he has the right to punch your fat tits.

1 point

This is a massive oversimplificating of the difference between a left and right wing. It is more much complexicatifying than "stronger together" vs "everyone for themselves"

It is collectivism vs individualism.

Too much of either is bad

you are an idiot

You want a degree of personal freedoms then you shouldn't want so much collectivism. You want to have cohesive society you don't want so many indevudeliysam

1 point

Bitch. I do not saying that you can't say what you cant, only that what you staying are stuped

2 points

You dont not needing the permission, but you atleast use it could wisely more.. You are using the "free speech" to say stupid thing all the time

1 point

I like to drink the blood but I am a not vampire. Blood is nutritions it is better than drinking water. Many tribes drink the blood not in a glass or by sucking but by wounding the animal and drinking out of a hole in the flesh. The inuit do it and the native american did it african tribes do. I think thesis the best waybecause it is the most fresh and you do not have to look as a jackass by sucking the neck like do the faggot. It is nartural for human to drink the blood.

1 point

The government is a lie using to control, it is no reason we need a govarmnent. The government feeds you GMO and soy and eats your babies.

1 point

Brontoraptor you should eating the raw meat. Both obamel and Trump eat human flesh because they are in the illuminati. Organ meat is the most nutrient food. humans have eating a raw meat since the begginning of time.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Raw natural
Winning Position: Worse
Winning Position: Mathfan still can't debate me, he is scared to see the truth
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: molnarishment

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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