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RSS TablaGod

Reward Points:26
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

"Also, they believe that all other founders are wrong."

If they don't believe in the other founders except for Jesus, then why do they believe in Moses's and his exodus. Also, why do they consider Muhammed as a prophet?

TablaGod(26) Clarified
1 point

Yes you go get them #JustIgnoreMe! That's how we do it here at

1 point

"yeah, i believe we live on a flat world and i also believe cutting myself is the best thing in the world". Like fish please, stop with the nonsense, you ain't tricking nobody when you say shit like this. You sound stupid because you are. Cutting yourself is appalling. If you like the feeling of getting cut, go play sword fighting, let's see how that goes. As for a way of relieving stress, cutting yourself is the stupidist thing. Like are you that desperate to give yourself and your loved ones pain, along with psychological pain. Go treat yourselves before coming here and debating crap like this.

TablaGod(26) Clarified
1 point

Looks like now you ain't got anything to say, huh? That's because I said the truth and truth hurts, I know.

1 point

Proof is everywhere on the internet. But I can assure you from that translation of bible from greek to latin, latin to old english, old english to modern english probably lost its meaning already. So many changes have gone unnoticed. If we date back to history, we know that people in higher positions, such as popes in 1500th century change the wordings or completely remove passages from the bible to meet their needs. If you want to tell that the bible has not changed, think again. I believe the Quran and Guru Granth Sahib are the two holy books that have not changed. They are carried word per word. Translations of them exist on side, but no words in the actual holy books altered. Compare the bible to something like that. Of course, there are contradictions in the bible.

1 point

Anyone blinded by the ignorance of religion is a true hypocrite and a waste of my time. I dont need a dead person from 2000 years ago to save me. Neither do i believe in a saviour nor do i believe in afterlife. They are all made up.

1 point

Listen fella, you started off really well arguing against the truth of existence, asking me how I know if I exist. But you yourself are a true hypocrite, criticizing others that they don't know anything but in fact you believe in fictional folk stories. No jesus or other entity in this world can save me from anything. It is I who has come this far in life, my family and friends supported me throughout my life not some supernatural entity whom I've never and neither have any of my friends and family. You are brainwashed by religion. You should check out my debate, "Is religion man-made?" because you are blinded by society and what it long believes.

TablaGod(26) Clarified
1 point

You're funny! Moko you also believe religion is man-made. But I believe there's always two sides to an argument.

1 point

Ok don't listen to his words because they are filled with loads of crap. God does not exist, firstly. He does not bring a change in anyone's life. If there's one person that brings a change, that is you. We all know that a good change must come to you soon, but we don't know HOW because that is up to you to decide.

Struggling through several painful years of following a religion with my parents, I finally found what I believe in and will stand with my new belief system till my death. Now I don't expect anything like this from you; however, I think you should know these quotes below that are truly life-changing, mind-blowing, fascinating, eye-opening and no words to describe them:

+Don't let others define you: you let the society tell you how you should look. Forget that! DO what you THINK is right. That's why we are humans: we think, reason, judge and then make decisions for ourselves.

+You are responsible for yourself: many people will influence you throughout your life. Regardless of what these people say, ultimately you are the one who set the boundaries and expectations for yourself. So set those goals, boundaries and standards and stick with them. I say this because if you don't stick with them, then you just jeopardize yourself sweetheart.

(Lastly, my all-time favourite)

+Ok don't listen to his words because they are filled with loads of crap. God does not exist, firstly. He does not bring a change in anyone's life. If there's one person that brings a change, that is you. We all know that a good change must come to you soon, but we don't know HOW because that is up to you to decide. Listen and ponder upon wise words; they bring positive vibes and happiness. They say "happiness depends in ourselves".


Struggling through several painful years of following a religion with my parents, I finally found what I believe in and will stand with my new belief system till my death. Now I don't expect anything like this from you; however, I think you should know these quotes below that are truly life-changing, mind-blowing, fascinating, eye-opening and no words to describe them:


+++++Don't let others define you:

you let the society tell you how you should look. Forget that! DO what you THINK is right. That's why we are humans: we think, reason, judge and then make decisions for ourselves.


+++++You are responsible for yourself: many people will influence you throughout your life. Regardless of what these people say, ultimately you are the one who set the boundaries and expectations for yourself. So set those goals, boundaries and standards and stick with them. I say this because if you don't stick with them, then you just jeopardize yourself sweetheart.


+++++Magnify your focus on what you want, and not just what you are against. Because what you focus on, it grows. You have been struggling with and are against "ugliness"; what you truly want is beauty. Take careful and non-extreme measures to achieve this beauty: whether it comes from wearing makeup, wearing trendy clothes or losing a little weight. Just do it!

1 point

I find this debate topic pointless. Bible type and version are not even clarified. It is obvious that so called Jesus disciples and other scholars were superficial and untrustworthy of their bibliography of any events from Jesus' time. We notice numerous changes to the bible occurred from time to time and still happen to this day. My brother you are asking for one contradiction, I tell you so many contradictions existed in the bible that the whole bible is full of lies. Why so many changes to the bible? Because shit tons of crap (contradictions) were removed. Still there are so many contradictions but all monotheists are gullible, pathetic, impractical and shallow to believe anything us non-religious persons have to say.

Winning Position: Religion is not man-made

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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