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RSS ThePro

Reward Points:1
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3 points

Yes, the answer is quite simple. While some countries cannot open themselves to Tourism, others take advantage of this opportunity and showcase their wonderful natural beauties, such as Oceans, Native Animals, Trees, Plants and very historical items. Many people are attracted to certain items that are indigenous to a certain area, country, region, and are almost compelled to go visit. While some tourist destinations offer crystal clear oceans, others may offer a unique diversion or attraction. All of these combine to entice more and more people to visit, and sometimes, visit again! You have to consider: with the day and age we are now in, it is so easy to tell the world that you've enjoyed your vacation or visit to whatever destination or attraction, by using Social Media - which has become more and more dominant in the recent years, that almost 1 billion people use it. 1 BILLION people, all connected through some form of social network, easily interact and form a never ending cycle of communication. Communication is key to tourism, and without it, Tourism would not be where it is at now. With Social Media at a sky rocketing userbase, and Tourism being as unique as it is for some countries, no matter the cost, it will always outweigh them.

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