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RSS WhatISay

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

A weather forecaster is not just the person you see on the TV, it is someone who, by precise calculations, predicts the weather in order to either simply let people know what the weather is expected to be or alert people for bad weather to come. Not everything can be seen by simply looking up in the sky. These people can save other peoples' lives. So, I think we need weather forecasters.

2 points

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. No matter how hard a martial artist trained, I don't see how they could be able to kill people as fast as a semi-automatic weapon. Yes, people would have still been killed, but that many? I don't think so. When I say yes to the question "Should guns be banned in America?", I don't believe that hunting guns would need to be banned. Yes, they can kill people, but not as fast as a semi-automatic, giving more time for the criminal to be stopped. I do not see the need for semi-automatic weapons to be purchased by anyone. When you go hunting, I doubt you assault the deer. I do agree with you on what you said about how crazy people will go far to make their point, but I still believe that semi-automatics should be banned. That is just my opinion.

1 point

When children are young, they are very much influenced by the many things that take place around them. I believe that the parent of the child should introduce them and teach them the ways of whatever religion that the parent truly believes in. Parents shouldn't be really strong or strict or enforcing about the religion, but they should teach the child about it. When the kid gets older, then they will be able to decide what they believe.

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