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RSS WormNugget

Reward Points:36
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point


did Kermit

permeate your epidermis?

did his sperm stick

to your skin, while you held his dick in a firm grip?

was it worth it?

were you nervous

when he first sticked

his cock in your anus, penetrated like horderves, bitch?

my words hit

your cerebral when the Worm spits

and affirms that you're worthless

1 point

Show me the evidence of her insinuizing that. .

1 point

I certainly hope not. He is the last person who needs to be president.

1 point

It's funny you say that, because I can be called one for all intensive purposes and I am also not particularly proficient in mathematics. I do however know history fairly well and how I know how cause and effect works relative to social development. That is to say, I know why things are the way they are, and I know where things can go in the future. One thing I know is things will not be the same. If the system you advocate is one that is currently being employed you have already lost.

1 point

Nom is pretty stupid. He does everything he condemns and hates himself.

You lack comprehension. Your interpretation of Nom is a testament to your ignorance.

WormNugget(36) Clarified
1 point

Yep. The Chinese will pollute, even if we don't.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, why should anyone pollute when such things could be ENGINEERED out of existence? Provide the Chinese with technology that gets the job done better and at less cost, which is cleaner as well and they will be forced not to pollute.

The welfare state will bankrupt us.

True, but so will croney capitalism, and all capitalism is croney capitalism. We need a NEW system, one unlike any that has been implemented.

WormNugget(36) Clarified
1 point

Nahhh…. Somebody's got to do it.. Why not you?

I appreciate your optimism excon, but how is one to know on an objective basis what one must do to change the world in an optimal way? You have no idea what kind of person I am, what if my way of changing the world will lead to the detriment of whatever you value? What if what you value is actually wrong? And on top of that, how is one person to change the world in any significant way, when the preservation and advancement of civilization requires co-operation by definition?

WormNugget(36) Clarified
1 point

It's like in Naruto, Pein/Nagato is/was arguably the most powerful living being but is that really important?

It's actually Kaguya but I get your point.

Windu and Dooku (I guess ending in 'u' means something here) are both the most ingenious saberwarmen

You're probably right about that, in terms of pure skill they were the best swordsmen I can think of.

Both arguably invented their own style but it's more that Dooku did while Windu mastered a style that was already invented who barely anyone else could master.

Here you are off. Windu used Vapaad and Dooku used Makashi. Makashi is an ancient style which was designed specifically for dueling, it emphasizes finesse and precision but it's weak against a heavy and direct assault which is why Anakin beat him with his dark side augmented form 5 attack. Windu used a variation of form 7 which feeds off of an opponents aggression whereas classical form 7 is mostly used by sith and relies on ones own aggression to produce a chaotic and eclectic offense.

If we talk raw power, though, it's gonna be probably an OG Jedi or Sith but frankly that's not really important to me.

The most popular answer among those who know SW lore is Luke Skywalker, in the EU he became OP as fuck but much of it is no longer canonical thanks to Disney. In my mind though, tact and skill are a form of power in and of themselves so the power of raw exertion and force is not the only thing that counts.

I think the fact that Anakin opportunistically 2v1'd both to get rid of them shows what a coward he was deep down. An efficient coward, but one nonetheless.

I wouldn't say Anakin was a coward, in fact he was extremely arrogant and thought he could take on anyone including Yoda and Sidious. Obi Wan was weak against Dooku because he was a style 3 specialist and Dooku's style 2 is specifically designed to snake and weasel it's way around a strong defense. Anakin has also faced Dooku alone multiple times during the clone wars.

1 point

From his puns to his flow, Tyler is a 0/10 rapper.

I don't know if I'd rank him that low (which is surprising because usually I'm the one who low-balls everything) but I agree with you in general. He does have a few acceptable lines from time to time but nothing he does is impressive and most of what he does is crap.

WormNugget(36) Clarified
1 point

Lord of the Rings has its own languages and the Silmarillion, and other side tales

The Elder Scrolls has it's own languages, it has more races all with different cultures and histories and the dwarves are much more interesting in particular. The Dwemer (dwarves) are an extinct technologically advanced race which are comparable to modern man IRL but the type of technology they used was much different. They did not have aircraft or nuclear weapons among other things but they had advanced automation, sentient AI and they believed the universe is a type of simulation. They had no gods and instead revered logic and reason above all.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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