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Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
2 points

Having lived in both countries I can only conclude that the USA and the UK are too different for one to become a part of the other. Most of the UK is very proud of the NHS which many Americans would deem "unamericain" . British people are fare more reserved and serious than Americans. British people hate American corruptions of the English language. There are thousands of tiny tea/ coffee differences. Many British people are in favor of the monarchy. The geographical distance is huge. Also most British people like being British, they don't want to be Americans. How would Americans feel about becoming the fifth country of the UK? If you want to unite so much then rejoin our empire ;)

1 point

notorious means famous for being a bad person Stalin was not as notorious in his time not is he as notorious now.

Websters English dictionary: Generally known and talked of [not Stalin], especially widely and unfavorably known [defiantly Hitler].

Oxford English Dictionary: Famous or well known [Hitler more than Stalin], typically for some bad quality or deed.

The OED never lies :)

1 point

It takes two to make a child. Abortion is two much of a tetchy issue to pressurize a woman like that. Whilst on paper the argument makes sense abortion is emotionally traumatic and can be medically dangerous. I am pro choice. But it should remain just that, a choice. A woman who is passionately against abortion should not be financially pressurized into having one by the man who got her pregnant.

Also for the sake of argument, who is paying for this abortion, what about rapists or men who clearly have more than enough money to pay for the child i.e bill gates, Mitt Romney.

1 point

to all the people saying marriage is a religious thing ATHEISTS GET MARRIED. Marriage is between two consenting adults as is sex and relationships. Please mind your own business. May I just point that all these people asking for gays to be persecuted are the same ones who want the government to get out of out lives.

1 point

whilst what you have said could be true (i don't know ). The question is not who was the WORST it was who was the MOST NOTORIOUS. i.e the most well known. This would have to be Adolph Hitler as he is most well known

0 points

when you spank a child you teach them that you are in charge because you are stronger and can hurt them physically not because you are their parent/guardian. They may carry this on to the school yard and could turn on you if they grow to be stronger than you in their teens.

1 point

1-dies- the doctor is useless whilst suffering withdrawal

2-dies- not practically or morally special in any way and probably very annoying

3-lives- useful as a nurse and has already proved herself to be selfless by saving a child

4-dies-danger to others

5-dies-danger to others

6-lives-no reason for him to die

7-dies-no use, a pure liability

8-lives-a stay at home mum is obviously selfless and hard working and thus is useful for survival. it would be wrong to take some-ones mother.

9-lives- He can cook and it would be wrong to take someone's father


11-dies-probably very annoying and holier- than- thou

12-dies-at 53he is a liability and taking up space for people with their whole lives ahead of them

13/14-live- both young and healthy and so are useful for survival on an island

15-lives-young enough to be reformed particularly if he has to depend on 9 through the journey. He is young and healthy and so would be useful for survival. Ii want to see his reaction to having to hand over his box of food to 9 to cook.

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"teenage British liberal"

Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United Kingdom
Religion: Atheist
Education: High School

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