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RSS Adriankhoo

Reward Points:5
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3 points

Continue from your first sentence,passion itself contains self discipline which means the abilty to strive for what you want without being distracted(that's what i think) thus when people have passion in them,discipline is 'automatically' instilled in them so there is no need for NS.

Now continue from your last sentence.When the males attend NS,after they come out from it,would they have passion even though they have discipline? I don't think so and discipline would slowly fade away without passion thus it's still passion for something that is more important rather than discipline.

2 points

NS only instills discipline in male singaporean but like the examples i given to junhao(read already?) ,most of it is the passion that keeps them going,not discipline.

For example in your poison shrimp and shark thing,if the poison shrimp does not have passion in its life(which means the people does not have passion for singapore),would it even bother to defend itself or should i say release the poison to weaken its enemies? No! It would just let it be eaten by the sharks.

Now coming to the maid issue,let's use yourself as a example.

Imagine you are like in your CCA,doing some building using the sticks(you know? the long long wood or branch thing),if you have passion in your CCA,have passion in finishing it,would you like give up halfway through despite all the pains you have and given while building it? No also.

2 points

I do not agree with what you said (no offence) but for example when your girlfriend gets taken away by someone who is bigger and brawnier and you are a smaller sized. Logically there's no way you can get her back alone no matter how hard you train but if you have a team perhaps you can succede thus is not the amount of time you used to get better and stronger but is your teamwork in situation like this.

1 point

I do not agree with your two of your statement.One is that NS trains man to have moral qualities such as discipline but as Chew said,it's passion,not discipline for example like you. When you do well in your math,why? Is it discipline? No! Is passion for the subject or like Kishore,why does he go for his NCC practice? Is it discipline that make him go for it? Same thing,NO! It's the passion he has for NCC. So there should be no need for NS be mandatory for males as when the males have passion in their country,they will naturally fight for it. Totally no need for NS.

Secondly,you said males are believed to be physically stronger than females but as you said,it is BELIEVED only,not proven. So it is just a opinion,not a fact(see i apply what ms sam taught,not bad) thus females should also go for NS as they may perform even better than males in NS.

2 points

I feel that National Service(NS) should not be mandatory for all male singaporeans for some reasons. Although NS help males to have discipline but Chew once said that is passion that helps,not discipline so if(i said IF,not really gonna happen) singapore is going to have a war,it will most probably be the passion of the soldiers for singapore to make them fight for singapore and not because they have the discipline through NS to make them fight for sinagapore. Also,not long ago,there is this article on a NS man letting his maid carry his bag for him.Why will something like this happen when NS helps man to have discipline? It is because the NS man does not have passion in National Service thus something like that happen.

Also,another reason is that for many years,people have the misconception that man has better physical standard and is stronger than woman thus NS is mandatory for man only but what if is the other way round? For example,if the government has NS mandatory for females as well,perhaps they can do better than males?

In conclusion,i feel that NS should not be mandatory for only male singaporean.

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