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RSS Aeeckhardt

Reward Points:8
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

Although I don't necessarily believe racial profiling would be a successful measure in the United States, focusing more on the people rather than the bags checked by people would increase safety. It is the people who terrorize planes and airports, not their bags.

2 points

How could putting less money into military escapades decrease the number of potential terrorists? Putting more money into international relations would be the way to decrease the number of potential terrorists. Improving relationships with foreign countries is another measure the United States could take to improve not only airport security, but nation-wide security.

2 points

How could the TSA's security measures be going too far when there have still been potential terrorists able to pass through security? If the TSA is trying to protect their image, they're doing a terrible job. Based on all the criticisms and videos posted online about the TSA, there is clearly a highly negative opinion toward them. I think the government wants to protect airline travelers, they just are not doing it as successfully as they could be if they implemented security tactics similar to those of Israel's Ben Gurion airport.

Winning Position: Increase airport security

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Alicia Eckhardt
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: In College

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