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RSS Agalin920

Reward Points:6
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Of course he is, there is no debate

Here are 13 examples of him being a racist: us56d47177e4b03260bf777e83

1 point

The theory is based on that we cannot DISPROVE that we are living in a simulation. And given the fact that it is theoretically possible to simulate a universe then it is theoretically possible to be living in one right now.

So indeed it would be a product of intelligent design since there was a "programmer" who created the simulation in his "true" world. You could consider him as God

1 point

You don't even know what a transsexual is. Educate yourself. What you are describing is a transvestite. Argument invalid

1 point

What a nice little bubble you live in. That's why people are gives a false sense of security. Yea its great but do you want to die with a veil over your head?

1 point

I'm a rationalist. If all of recorded human knowledge was somehow erased and forgotten, Christianity would not reappear. You know what would reappear? Math and science...The laws of the universe cannot be rewritten

2 points

Not really a saint if your not trying to save people. Kinda hypocritical if you consider yourself a true christian you are just another mediocre one.

1 point

God himself died for you to offer forgiveness to himself? Can you please explain this

1 point

Yea right, as if he would have the power to do so without a trial (which due to lack of evidence will not succeed in proving her guilty of any crime) it's all just a ruse to wild up his ignorant and emotion driven supporters.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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