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RSS Ashrzr

Reward Points:2
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7 most recent arguments.
3 points

He said that most racists are in the Republican party, not that everyone who doesn't support Obama is racist.

2 points

People are pissed off right now. The economy sucks. We're worried about terrorism. We're all going to look at Obama through that pissed off lense. The same thing that's happening to Obama happened to Reagan, too.

3 points

You've obviously never owned a cat. They become just as attached to you as dogs do.

5 points

And so you're right, case in point. Dogs do require more maintanence.

2 points

Cats have the perfect balance of taking care of themselves and giving you company at the same time. Dogs require attention ALL THE TIME, cost a lot more, and are dirtier.

1 point

AC/DC is better for one simple reason: they didn't sell out and have been amazingly consistent through their career, unlike Metallica.

1 point

Braveheart is a better movie.

1) It came first. This is simple. I believe Ridley Scott even said that he was influenced by some of the camera jerks and shots in Bravheart.

2) It is more influential. Like I said with Ridley Scott, countless other directors have said they were influenced by the film -- Steven Spielberg (for Saving Private Ryan) is a notable example.

3) Its emotional intensity is much stronger. This is mainly thanks to the music from James Horner, which is regarded as one of the best soundtracks of all time, but also the reason is Mel Gibson's directing. The scene after Stirling Bridge was made to perfection. It was profoundly bittersweet: Wallace's bloody face, and the dying men, coupled with the beautiful music and cries of victory from Wallace/his men was a very strong scene in particular that I don't think any point in Gladiator matched.

4) It had better characters. Maximus wanted revenge and was hurt by his family's death, but beyond that, the characters were pretty dull. With Bravheart on the other hand, you have Wallace's deep need of freedom mucking through all of the deceit and blood, Robert the Bruce's conflicted loyalties, Longshanks' awareness and indifference to the fact that he's heartless, etc.

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