
Debate Info

Pro obama Anti Obama
Debate Score:220
Total Votes:309
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 Pro obama (40)
 Anti Obama (50)

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Politicfan99(3) pic


Do you regret voting for obama or do you love obama! Explain why you are pro obama and start an argument and explain why to the anit obama's. Same with the Anti's

Pro obama

Side Score: 108

Anti Obama

Side Score: 112
4 points

I think that obama is a good choice! Even though i did vote for mccain. I see the light now! He will create affordable healthcare, and no it wont be government healthcare! And he is focused on the middle class as well! even the stimulus bill was a good idea!

Side: Pro obama
saintlouis(161) Disputed
2 points

even the stimulus bill was a good idea!

You do realize that it was Bushes idea, right?

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

No the TARP was done by the Bush administration and the 2009 stimulus was Obama's

"No Republicans in the House and only three Republican Senators voted for the bill." (and that includes Arlen Specter who became a democrat)

Supporting Evidence: 2009 Stimulus (
Side: Pro obama
0 points

Obama is another Hitler. There is not an ounce of capitalism or freedom in him.

Why won't anybody in the media talk against him?

Its because of the fairness doctrine. You're not allowed to speak against him.

Stop listening to the liberal media.

Side: Anti Obama
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
6 points

Obama is another Hitler.

So what you're suggesting is that president Obama believes in lebensraum, volk, the supremacy of the white, Aryan race, and Roman architecture, has instituted various propaganda institutions geared at instigating a cult of youth, accepts that eugenics must begin in order to purify the white race, believes that non-Germans should have no rights, and Jews are the curse of the world leeching off of the German people and is shipping them off to ghettos, and then concentration camps to have them killed in the millions? Really? Obama is another Hitler?

There is not an ounce of capitalism or freedom in him.

Capitalism hasn't been practiced since the early 20th century. It didn't work and nobody liked it.

Why won't anybody in the media talk against him?

Faux noose?

Its because of the fairness doctrine.

The fairness doctrine only dictates that controversial issues need honest and fair coverage.

Stop listening to the liberal media.

Yeah! Next thing you're going to do is tell us to go to tea party rallies where we can talk about seceding from the union and show how revolutionary we are by angrily discussing how Fascist-Socialist-Communist the current president is!!!

Side: Pro obama
xander(438) Disputed
3 points

You do realize that you've also called his a socialist, right? Fascism and socialism are on opposite sides of the political spectrum Consistency is my friend, I could introduce you if you'd like!

Side: Pro obama
1 point

you do realize that the fairness doctrine hasn't been in effect for more than 23 years, right?

Side: Pro obama
-1 points

"Obama is another Hitler"

I agree did you know obama is an anagram of hitler all you got to do is change a few letters and stick another in






also some complete noob(probably with puppet accounts)(also probably in league with qymosabi)is down voting all the anti-obamas and up voting all the pro-obamas

Side: Anti Obama
Potsmoker239(1) Disputed
0 points

Obama is a pro-abortionist. Killing babies is wrong so stop doing it. The new health reform bill is not good. There are some good things but more worse than good. You could have just passed some laws instead of making a whole bill. People are retarted for agreeing with you. Everyone shouldnt have to pay for health care because they might not be able to pay for it because they are not employed aymore because their jobs are shutting down because they need to pay for other peoples health care. Its not are fault if some girl decides to go and have unprotected sex and end up pregnant and want to have an abortion. They should have to still have the baby. They should not have other people pay for their bills because they are young and have no job, in that case they do not have the money to pay for it. Then it will raise peoples insurance to help pay for peoples hospital bills. Last but not least i believe marajuana should be legalized so that all these people wont be going to jail over stupid reasons and the police can focus on the more important things to stop in our neighborhoods.

Side: Anti Obama
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

I would like to preface this by stating you are a moron.

Generally I would not engage in any type of discussion with a complete idiot, but it should at least be pointed out to you (not that your capable of understanding much of anything beyond how and when you are going to get high again) that every country that has a similar healthplan as the one just passed pays less for healthcare, and receives better care. All of them. Every country with a similar plan. Also, we were the only industrialized country in the entire world that still had this antequated type of healthcare that was solely run by a for-profit money machine. Health insurance companies have been raping us for years with double digit cost increases for absolutely no reason but that they wanted more money. For that alone Obama is already going to go down in history as a great president - hate to break it to you.

I would also like to point out that fetuses are not babies, and that Jesus was having unprotected sex with a prostitute.

Okay, go get high again, hopefully you forget this site's url.

Side: Pro obama
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

Killing babies isn't wrong. It's called population control. Besides. We could use those fetuses for stem cell research.

Side: Pro obama
4 points

don't know how accurate this site is, but it gives a good idea of what hes done promises/

seems hes doing alright so far

Side: Pro obama
2 points

Good find.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: Pro obama
3 points

He is far better than anything the RNC has put forth.

He represents more than the hope of change for a nation, but the desire to return to our non-religious-super-zealotous views of who we really are as Americans.

Side: Pro obama
saintlouis(161) Disputed
0 points

Says the man who uses a foreign flag as a picture for his profile.

And i love how you made no mention of his politics.

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

Says the man who uses a picture of a socialist/marxist foreigner for his profile.

"The picture I use is of James Connolly, a man I greatly admire" you_use_for_this_site#arg127243

silly silly argument

Side: Pro obama
3 points

I am glad that I voted for Obama. He was a great choice. I'm happy that we finally have a black president! He deserved that position. I hope that the anti-obamas do realize that if he fought against abortion then he would have had to make some place for those babies to go if the parents didn't want the child.

Side: Pro obama
TheHater(1) Disputed
1 point

Of course that makes a little sense, but that's murder. And I dont care that he's black he's also an idiot!

Side: Anti Obama
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

Abortion is no more murder than jacking off and killing all those little semen, or stepping on an ant. And actually Obama is near genius. He came from a lower middle class family, yet still received all types of honors all throughout school and in Ivy league schools no less. I'm sure his IQ is at least double that of you... or that retard anti-abortinists put in office last time Bush. By the way, how did Bush do with that making abortion illegal thing? I forget...

Side: Pro obama
1 point

Nice! Breaking News

Liberals are voting for Obama because he's black.

Such racism...

Side: Anti Obama
3 points

Obama is doing fine. Hell, I'll vote for him in 2012. His election brought a lot of racists out of the woodwork which happens to include, (big surprise), the majority of the Republican Party. Obama isn't the next Hitler. If you think so then you've been listening to/watching to much Glenn Beck. I say GObama. (Go + Obama)

Side: Pro obama
saintlouis(161) Disputed
1 point

Again someone supports him blindly calling everyone else a racist.

Side: Anti Obama
ashrzr(2) Disputed
3 points

He said that most racists are in the Republican party, not that everyone who doesn't support Obama is racist.

Side: Pro obama
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
2 points

Well, I'm not wrong. Some people just can't seem to let go of their old ways. If the idea of an African-American as the President of the United States makes you uncomfortable as it did so many people, you're a racist.

Side: Pro obama
1 point

Yes, and while "giving it" to those mean racists is important, I'm afraid I have to tell you something that should sadden you deeply:

The country is in ruins; Barack Obama is not working.

Get off your elitist high horse and face reality.

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

People are pissed off right now. The economy sucks. We're worried about terrorism. We're all going to look at Obama through that pissed off lense. The same thing that's happening to Obama happened to Reagan, too.

Side: Pro obama

It is now 2015 and I am glad that I voted for Obama twice.

Side: Pro obama
5 points

Obama was not a good choice. I can only give him credibility when he can guarantee that has sat down and read all 1000+ pages of the health care legislation he is pushing so intently. Only when a politician reaches out to the public divulging every detail of how legislation will work and can then explain in detail how any random citizen's particular situation will be affected, will they gain my respect. Obama has not done this. He has not shown any effort in attempting to do this.

He is no more than a professional politician. He, just like any other politician, was elected by money and has not and will never know what the life of the average US citizen is like. Modern politicians are completely out of touch with the average American and therefore cannot begin to accurately address their needs.

I am not anti-democrat. I do not associate with any party. I choose to ignore the "battles" of "party" politics.

Personally... it makes me sick when the news and media portray the passing of a piece of legislation as a "victory" for one party or the other.

I realize I may have grammar issues above. I don't care.

If I could add a second tag it would be Anti Professional Politician, but for the sake of this debate Anti Obama will do.

Side: Anti Obama
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
4 points

Obama was not a good choice. I can only give him credibility when he can guarantee that has sat down and read all 1000+ pages of the health care legislation he is pushing so intently.

He is pushing legislation, which is different from advocating any specific bill. When the representatives finish debating and come to some kind of concession, a bill will be proposed for legislation, voted on and the President will then review it, sign on or veto it for another round of debate. It would be pointless for the President to read all of the bills before they are up for legislation.

Only when a politician reaches out to the public divulging every detail of how legislation will work and can then explain in detail how any random citizen's particular situation will be affected, will they gain my respect.

Which is impossible until a bill has been finalized and voted on in the legislative branch. Until then there are no details of "THE bill" to plop out. Obama so far has been doing what he's supposed to be doing: talk about what his agenda is for the bill that is being debated and formed in the legislature, and correcting or clarifying misconceptions about what is being proposed by his administration.

Side: Pro obama
3 points

Thinking of the election that was placed you either had to choose from a very old republican canadiate who pretty much followed the steps of bush which probably would not work. Also god forbid if mccain died and palin was president thats a disaster. On the other hand you had a very liberal president and people wanted change and they need it. But now Obama is now president and the media settled down on having a BLACK president (correction half black no1 ever picks that up) implying that does not make me racist only aware. Now America really hasn't all and all changed. The Economy sucks still. Unemployment is up. Foreclosure is up. I mean I give Obama credit he has good ideas but they suck if not putting them to action. Also Bush lost the respect of many foreign countries. Then Obama killed not for personality but just for his race and how a half black man controls a country were the majority is white.........

Side: Anti Obama
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

The Economy sucks still. Unemployment is up. Foreclosure is up. I mean I give Obama credit he has good ideas but they suck if not putting them to action.

When Obama took office we were losing on average 700,000 jobs per month. Now we've leveled off gaining some and losing some month to month. The reason Obama has not done as much as he wanted is because since he took office Republicans have raped the filibuster rule. Prior to Obama being president the most any party had used the filibuster in the history of the Senate in one year was around a hundred. Last year Republicans filibustered over 200 times. That is the only reason he hasn't had as much as he would like done. That's not his fault.

And every president since Nixon except Bush Jr has wanted to pass a healthcare bill. Every single one. Obama has been the only President able to, and that in itself is going to put him on par with some great presidents. And once this psychotic tea party pout fest ends and republicans come to their senses and start compromising on things, he'll be able to bring the economy the rest of the way back as well.

Of course though in 6 years Republicans will just elect another frat boy or actor to ruin all the hard democratic work again ><

Side: Pro obama
2 points

When Obama took office we were losing on average 700,000 jobs per month.

The economy hit the trough of it's business cycle, and by suggesting Obama stopped the downward spike has no truth.

Last year Republicans filibustered over 200 times.

Where is your link of proof?

Of course though in 6 years Republicans will just elect another frat boy or actor to ruin all the hard democratic work again

Ronald Reagan had to clean up the mess after Jimmy Carter.

Bill Clinton wasn't a frat boy. He admitted to the use of marijuana in college.

Side: Anti Obama
3 points

I am anti-Obama. I am not racist, nor do I agree with the comments made about him being only half black. However, some of his slogans and policies worry me. National healthcare (and I know that this is overused) is a good example. Government-run banks are a good example. Government-run anything that was privately owned before Obama came to office is a good example. I'm not saying that he is going to be the one that sends America into socialism. He may be a fluke, or he may be just the first step into the fears of the majority of American people.

Side: Anti Obama
3 points

If McCain were also young and black he would be siting in the oval office right now, the media decided that election.

Side: Anti Obama
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

No, if McCain were young and black he never would have been elected to senate in Arizon all those years ago, and so never had the chance to run. Besides you know damn well that a black person cannot win a Republican primary... least you should know that.

And that aside, Obama was elected because he had a better message, and the last republican president sucked. He won by a lot, way more than 17% and you realize black people only make up around 17% of the population right?

The fact is, he was a better candidate, and the reason he won by so much is because so many people came out to vote. That's just a fact. Like with Clinton before, anytime there is a large turn out the democrat wins, because the democratic platform makes more sense and works better and has been shown to work better historically, and when you get the non-politicals excited enough about voting to actually look at issues without political bias they vote democratic.

Side: Pro obama
saintlouis(161) Disputed
2 points

Obama was elected because he had a better message

A false one.

and you realize black people only make up around 17% of the population right?

I never claimed that the black vote won his the election, I claimed the media won it.

anytime there is a large turn out the democrat wins, because the democratic platform makes more sense

No, it's because most people are stupid and will only vote when a candidate has massive support from the media.


You mean people who don't care or keep up with politics and have no clue who they're voting for.

actually look at issues without political bias they vote democratic

No, they look only at the individuals without looking at politics. I'm sure Obama is a good neighbor, I just disagree greatly with his politics.

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

And that aside, Obama was elected because he had a better message, and the last republican president sucked.

Apparently, most want socialism and don't even know it.

Of course, suggesting the last president sucked is coming from a bias liberal.

Side: Anti Obama
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"Obama was elected because he had a better message"

yeah people only listened to him 'cause he was black they dont listen to normal politicians

"He won by a lot, way more than 17% and you realize black people only make up around 17% of the population right?"

he didnt represent black people he represented all non-whites

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

the media decide everything thats involves the majority of the population .

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

and if McCain didn't disagree with every position he's ever had

(path to citizenship, border fence, bailouts, cap and trade, campaign finance, etc.)

Side: Pro obama
2 points


Side: Anti Obama
1 point

Just cuz some guy told Glenn Beck what he wanted to hear doesn't make it so.

It takes the same ignorance to say that the recession of 1920 had nothing to do with the war ending and establishment of the Federal Reserve, etc. as it does to not realize the previous administration's contribution to our current economic predicament.

"On March 4, 1921 President Harding assumed office while the nation was in the midst of a postwar economic decline, known as the Depression of 1920-21. By summer of his first year in office, after a series of actions by the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, an economic recovery was underway. After the recession, starting in 1922, Harding cut taxes. The top marginal rate was reduced annually in four stages from 73% in 1921 to 25% in 1925. Taxes were cut for lower incomes starting in 1923. Despite these policies, the economy entered recession in May 1923 and remained in recession into the next presidency, through July 1924. Thomas E. Woods, however, contends in the Fall 2009 issue of The International Review, that the tax cuts implemented by President Harding ended the Depression of 1920-21 and were responsible for creating a decade-long expansion. In fact, there were three recessions in the 1920s prior to the Great Depression and the rate of recovery was slower than during the Great Depression."

Side: Pro obama
2 points

He hasn't really done much, except for spend money that we don't have and talk a lot. In fact, I'd say he's kind of like a real housewife of NJ because he loves to "shop" and talk. ;)

And yes, I can say that because I'm from NJ. lol just kidding, anyone can mock them.

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

i believed him obama in his first year but now my approvel of him is dropping

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

At first, i saw Obama as a good choice. He seemed to know what he was talking about, and made some good proposals. What he failed to do however, was live up to those proposals. After claiming he was going to shut down Guantanamo Bay ( which contains potentially innocent people) years later, it is still open for business. I think this sheds light on the man, and proves that he is no more like the next man. Simply greedy for power.

Side: Anti Obama

Obama is gonna turn America into the USSA United Socialist States America

or the LSA Liberal States America.

There is not an ounce of capitalism or freedom in him.

Side: Anti Obama
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
4 points

Obama is gonna turn America into the USSA United Socialist States America


There is not an ounce of capitalism or freedom in him.

Why do you say this?

Side: Pro obama
GeneralLee(133) Disputed
0 points

"Why do you say this?"

And I quote:

Obama: "If you got a didn't build that."

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

I wish there was not an ounce of capitalism in him but freedom does not equate capitalism. Communism also guarantees freedom.

Side: Pro obama

obama only won because of all the people in the ghetoo who normally dont care about the election voted for him just cause....hes...kinda black. yep KINDA black. i hope he cancels the welfare system so that all of those people know what a dub mistake they have made. hes been in office for a couple years now and he hasnt done sht.

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

obama is pushing socialism like you wouldn't believe. obama is spending more than you know how to count up to. obama is a bad choice. Who cares if he is black. That is not the issue. obama is destroying what america stands for.

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

You can't just blame EVERYTHING on Obama.

I mean, think about all the other shit presidents we had in the past like Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Nixon;

I'm not defending him and I'm not saying he's good but he could step it up, and not to mention the Health Care Bill.

Side: Not horrible but yeah pretty bad
1 point

Obama sucks he lead the usa to its destruction. Our situation is worse than the government let's us know, we are closer to WWIII than they say also

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

Obama hasn't done ANYTHING to help this country! All he's done this entire term is play Nintendo Wii (as much as I love video games) and go on vacations!

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

Obama is a liberal black socialist and the media will not speak against him because they cater to the blacks.He wants this country to be a welfare state.The black vote will go his way because they would rather get things for free than to WORK!These people are a scourge on society and I wish they would quit reproducing their filth.I'm tired of paying to raise them!

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

Obama has done nearly nothing for the U.S.

How do you justify all the laws he blatantly broke and violated so many parts of his orders? What laws and violations, you ask?


1. Around 300,000 aliens were to be deported. But Obama demanded Border Patrol Agents to release them. With absolutely no explanation as to why.

2. The DREAM ACT. For those of you not familiar, it was an act Obama wanted to pass to grant ILLEGAL aliens permanent residency here in the States. Congress said no. Obama defied Congress and enacted his own type of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order.

3. Obama has refused to follow the 2006 Secure Fence Act. He has not followed a single bit of it.

--His assault on our Second Amendment RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms. Enough said there. Along with this his Executive Order for those who have Obamacare to be investigated for the ownership of a gun. Why?

--OBAMACARE. Enough said. He claimed it would cost less than $1 trillion to the U.S. the actual cost with all factors in, near $10 trillion. I don't know how well you are with math but that's 10X the original number!

--His claim and HIS Attorney General's claim of not knowing about HIS Justice Department pulling the Fast and Furious Operation. What's that? They took American-made semi-auto weapons and GAVE them to Mexican drug cartels. With an American life being taken because of that. Obama tried to use Presidential Privilege to protect his Attorney General. But for that to have worked he MUST have known about the operation. So he would be just as wrong. Most of Congress and of Us believe Obama did it so he could say, "Guns are bad. You have to give them up! See what they do?".

--FCC regulating the Internet. Court Order declaring that they could not regulate it.

--Unlawful "recess appointments" when Congress was NOT in recess.

--Yucca Mountain study derailed, contracts broke, and FEDERAL law broken costing US (ALL American people. You included.) approximately $31 BILLION.

--Without Congressional approval, Obama completely gutted the requirements for Welfare.

--GM and Chrysler's bailout. Obama shortchanged bond holders. Although U.S. bankruptcy laws say bond holders are to be paid first.

--This one is the worst yet To use the killing of Osama bin Laden as publicity, he gave out details of the operation and the SEALs identities. Now they're constantly looking over their shoulders and the their family's shoulders for the rest of their lives. Shortly after he shared the information 22 SEALs were killed in Afghanistan. It is illegal for the President or any American for that matter to share classified military secrets.

--Obama's ACTUAL "Kill List"! No due process needed. But if you are posted on this list and a single government bureaucrat puts a face to name you can be killed on the spot. They want to do this with drones also! WHAT?

--HIS administration bribed and twisted arms of defense contractors to not release layoff notices just before the election so he could avoid bad news be given out. Which is a direct violation of the WARN Act.

--He lied to Congress and to the people about Benghazi. Knowing FULL WELL it was a planned attack for the "anniversary" of September 11th. Killing four Americans.

--His absolutely idiotic trade of Bergdahl for the five Taliban Commanders. Who all said they would continue fighting the U.S. He went against Congress and made the trade. Bergdahl is a deserter and was NOT worth five Taliban Commanders. Six soldiers lost their lives in the search for Bergdahl. For what? Just to empower the Taliban even more with their commanders? Dumb.

Obama has committed so many crimes and violated so many rules and regulations whatever "good" things he's done don't compare. MANY lives have been taken because of his neglect. He doesn't respect this country and it's sad. So no, Obama is NOT fit to run this country.

Side: Anti Obama
1 point

Wow... we are on a bad-president steak ever since the 1990's.

Side: Anti Obama
0 points


Side: Anti Obama
0 points

For nothing else alone, I dislike Obama simply because he canceled the back to the moon program.

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

Conservative's didn't like it when Bush proposed it, but now hate Obama for stating the reality that it wasn't funded.

He still increases NASA's budget, tries to encourage privatized space flight (just like any commie socialist would), is spending to maintain the International space center and focusing on research for landing on Mars and asteroids

Side: Pro obama
0 points

OK I DONT KNOW WHERE MY ORIGINAL COMMENT OF THIS SATEMENT IS (someone probably deleted it) But some noob(probably with puppet accounts)(also probably an ally of qymosabi) is downvoting all the anti-obamas and upvoting all the pro-obamas

Side: Anti Obama
2 points

it is over on the left side under the Obama = Hitler argument

Side: Pro obama
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

thanks i thought i lost it :D

Side: Anti Obama

I am anti Obama, he is a socialist who might even be a communist. He is pro liberal and all the crap that I am not. I am a capitalist by the way.

By the way Liberals arnt what they use to be. Theyre making laws! Of all people!

Side: Anti Obama