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RSS Brentley

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

So you're saying that if we let them in then that wouldn't make ISIS target us also?

2 points

Those "tests" are never a sure way to "weed them out". It's impossible to know for sure whether or not they are terrorists. I might consider your argument if in the past we were able to apprehend such threats. But we have had many terrorists attacks on the United States which shows it's not possible to stop terrorism. But it is possible to prevent it by shutting possible hostile people out of the United States.

2 points

Yes, we do have terrorist in America already. So like I said, why would you let in more potential terrorists? Whether they are men, women, or children. They could all be possible threats.

2 points

It's not America's fault that there is pressure on those areas. It's those specific places fault for letting refugee's in, in the first place. It gave Syrians the illusion that they can be safe inn that specific area. It's not Americas fault.

1 point

ISIS has publicly announced that they will be coming to the United States. So I believe that letting Syrian refugees in would be a direct gateway to ISIS terrorists. Sure, terrorism itself is inevitable but keeping Syrians out could prevent more possible terrorists on top of the possible ones we already have.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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