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RSS Caroline1m

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The world cup is a moment that needs more security because will be a lot of people of different cultures together, besides they will be more angry because of the competitiveness that game involve. So if the no consume of alcoholic beverages can be a safety step will be necessary.

1 point

I agree with Marcia is very difficult be in the internet working or studying and didn’t look at facebook, but we need learning to have self-control, because live without internet is almost impossible today, besides we are using internet to do useful things, too. Even that I believe that the majority of population are dependency in internet as we are in the tv.

1 point

Nowadays marijuana is in easy to get, even children know what is, where it sells, who sells, so legalization can be a mean to put an end in the drug traffic, because access the majority of population have. The most important is an education of the risks that marijuana and other drugs can cause.

1 point

I believe that is more important an awareness campaign of risks that alcoholic beverages can cause in a public space with a lot of people. Because for me the problem is not drink alcoholic beverages but how much you drink.

1 point

I agree that we have to insist on recycling programs but also we have remember this article posted some days ago this show that paper and plastic are problematic we need to invest in reusable bags.

1 point

I agree that in our society is more important what you have than what you are, but this is a cultural and education problem. Is necessary parents stayed more time for talk and explain the real value of things for the children's. It is very important that children's have a financial education and see the good example of the parents, as Anny is doing with her son, if this didn't happen they will be adults consumerist and irresponsable.

About financial education this site has some games that teach childrens and teenagers to deal with money.

1 point

Roberta had asked about online emotion, so in my opinion this can happen because with a webcam is possible to see and talk with others it is a simulation to talk face to face, in the other hand in the facebook we can post photographs and posts daily showing what happened with us then this can bring us closer.

1 point

I am in the same situation that Anny, when electronic appliances go out the shop they are already outdated, that is what capitalism world want, so when we buy appliances new and modern we are generating money for the economic.

1 point

On the other hand with the end of plastic bags people will demand a large number of reusable bags because is more economic than the biodegradable bags, so this can produce some financial instability, Miguel Bahiensetaht is the representative of brasilian plastics industry, he say’s “Quanto à retornável, além dos estudos dizerem que elas impactam mais no meio ambiente que as comuns, estamos vendo uma enxurrada de sacolas retornáveis fabricadas na China e no Vietnã, a preços lá embaixo, mesmo sendo importadas. Isso deverá prejudicar a indústria nacional, sobretudo o mercado de trabalho”. According to Bahiense, “existem no Brasil 30 mil empregos diretos na indústria de sacolas plásticas que estão ameaçados”.

The link of the article used:

1 point

Marcia, I said that is more expensive eat meatless because is necessary to substitute the nutrients that are in the meat, milk, eggs, honey, gelatin and others, it isn’t only stop eat something but is change all habits. For example, a good substitute to meat is tofu – the soy cheese- in the supermarket Pão de Açucar 270g are costing 13,19 reais this is only one thing, other is the milk that can be substitute for soy milk, again in the Pão de Açucar the milk BATAVO is costing 2,34 reais and the soy milk BATAVO is costing 4,31 reais.

This link has a healthy diet they suggest some foods.

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