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RSS Cecewild

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1 point

how can anyone say what roles are superior in todays society. one without the other would just not work. yes its true that men and women (in majority) fall into different roles in life, society and the workplace but who's to say for example; a nurse is any less important than a doctor. if nurses didn't do the job they did, it would not enable the doctors to further the process of treatment. we each play a vital role in society, which role is first or last in the process is irrelevant, the world would not work as well as it does without both sexes.

on the other hand; we have been divided in our roles since the start of mankind, the male was the hunter protector, the woman was the maternal caring creative one, males have had it bred into them from the start that they are the only strong hard working providers in the equation, and woman have had it bred into them that they are the weak maternal passive ones who need protecting but the sheer fact women are now actively changing that internal conclusion and seeking to become more shows that women are striving to evolve and are trying to break free from the natural bonds holding them to traditional roles. we therefore must be appreciated for being stronger willed and more intelligent than males perceive, as to fight the internal pull towards our primitive roles takes alot of self driven effort and thought. and for us to try to take on roles that we are not accustomed to and still strive to be the best we can be within them then we must have the upper hand in a way as males have not yet had to evolve from the primitive thinking that the are the strong workers who will fight to protect and be the best, the only thing that has changed so far is the times we live in, men have since the beginning of time gone out to work women have not, but now as i said the times have changed and we are also providing and learning and becoming stronger. Competition and agression and the strength to work is natural to men. just as the maternal instict is natural to us women but the differnce is; women have taught themselves to want more than just housewife and mother. we have broken the thousands of years of these roles being all we know and we have made ourselves now expect and want more from ourselves, life and each other. we have the maternal caring sides yet we now possess the want for strength success, self reliance and status, but naturally until men evolve and accept we could actually share the roles they have then we will never win the dominance war. we do the best in the roles we can claim for ourselves. its through pure strength we have got this far. until we can detach ourselves of the want to bear children or more importantly the bond we have with our children and families, and the arrogance and stubbornness (actually no, the opposite biological primitive pull men have towards being the sole provider) then we can never fully break free from the expectation of us being the weak maternal and emotional sex in the equation and therefor men will always feel dominant in their roles and will defend themselves from anyone that questions it. but remember this; we thought outside of the box and of ourselves and wanted more and got it... just think what the future holds

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