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RSS Chloejasmine

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe that the both of the animals lives could have been saved, that poor gorilla didn't deserve to die, but out of the two i would pick the gorilla to survive not in a racist way, even if it was a white person, i would still pick the gorilla, race is only whats on the outside not on the inside. Before you say that why did she just call that boy an animal, i am not being racist he is you are i am, we are mammals and humans just think they are superior so refer to themselves not being an animal, as it could be seen as offensive, i see it as a compliment though. Black people shouldn't have to suffer racism at all it is a serious matter that need to be stopped. But the reason why i think that the gorillas life is more important is because that kid along with most other people on this planet only harm it in a bad way i do too. Humans only cause trouble to the planet for other species, we share this planet with them, the planet isn't for us. The gorilla should be in the wild anyway. If you are thinking now that it was in the zoo to protect it because its endangered then, it wouldn't be endangered anyway if, human activity wasn't endangering it. It also is mainly in the zoo for money, that's what most people think about. Life is more important than money anyway. Just imagine being that gorilla, he/she wasn't intending to hurt the boy and treating him like his/her own child, and then being shot for a reason being that you were hurting him. Imagine how worthless you would feel in that split second of being alive and dead.

1 point

i believe that the big bang was a bang that created time, as it got further back, the more time was created and that time had already been planned but it was so diverse that it made options and that for time to travel and options for us to take in our life although it seems as though we have control in our own life. I believe this may link to deja vu as you feel like you have already seen something i believe that time messed up and got mixed up with atoms causing this phenomenon. It also created planets and galaxies and in sci-fi there is something called parallel universes and i believe that there is a way to get there and we seem them ourselves but when we sleep, our dreams. Everything that i said then i believe in if it happened, but i don't think it ever did as i believe we don't exist or if we do then i am the center of the universe as i only see my perspective to everything, that may sound selfish but you only know your won thoughts and the universe is massive and somehow it all links to your thoughts.

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