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RSS Dammonoit

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

No, america's success is not solely based on economy which they have built.

Instead i'd rather go as far as to say that "this is the closest most perfect country humans have created since the dawn of human civilization"

Roman empire was built up on slave economy(conquering,killing,corruption etc too), they never disputed this fact and didn't sacrifice 5,00,000 citizen just for the sake of slavery.

No country disputed and struggled their ideologue approaches better than america.

There's light years difference between the dominance exercised by US and Romans(they used to eat entire Mediterranean for breakfast or so they say).

No country perfected capitalism like america did although they didn't invent it and they achieved perfection in entire spectrum which is more admirable than i could express in words.

1 point

The factual basis of your argument is correct but only in the absolute manner, it's a lot more than this. moreover, your argument was way too generic to begin with.

When cocaine from colombia and mexico even shaked the reagon administration, do you think if there wasn't any 2nd amendment it would've stopped americans from getting their hands on automatic or any fire-arm for that matter(from south-america) especially in the south?

No,right? because money wasn't the issue for southerners knowing that even their culture supports that.

people in this debate are asking wrong question because this is more of a pschological and cultural thing and it takes time to go towards progressive or regressive path.

Guns are built-in american culture especially in the south and you just can't take that away from them no matter what.

i could've explained you the importance of 2nd Amendment but it's pretty explained in the constitution(modern day bible for american's) but i thought it'd be better if present the psychological aspect of the issue.

do u think opium problem in Pakistan and inparts of Afghanistan is because of the fact the people consuming it are poor,low-life and illiterate?,right?

that's my point

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