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RSS Divinesunset

Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

This deserves more attention. The top powers in the world want this deal for this very reason. Both sides want sanctions lifted. It gives them the incentive of having a working economy and it gives us the ability to trade with them as well as peace of mind knowing they don't have nuclear weapons.

2 points

This is a significant issue. The deal eases the tensions and promotes peace and growth of economies. The deal limits the level of uranium enrichment to 20 percent and the stockpile reduced to 3 percent. This gives people peace of mind as well knowing there is a delay.

True!! It will definitely delay them from having nuclear weapons. People around the world want to begin trading with Iran. It would benefit both sides to form peaceful relationships.

2 points

Yeah sure they have a bully pulpit, but that isn't always a good thing. Congressmen can gain a bully pulpit if they are a chairman of a committee. It may not be as effective in your view, but Congress is where the people of the United States get representation, so they are likely to fund their local congressmen more than they would fund the president.

2 points

Your supporting claim is very clear and true. Great evidence!!! Really shows how the president can lose power because they are easy to blame!

Just because those clauses are mentioned a lot in my claim doesn't diminish their power. It just clarifies further. I'm providing evidence. Sure the president has the power to deploy troops, but if Congress doesn't fund the army and navy, then the president won't have powerful troops to send. Please provide more evidence.

This argumentative claim is unclear. Executive privilege means the president has the power to withhold information. I think you're confused. How does that "clean up" Congress' mistakes? Please explain further because your claim just doesn't make sense.

2 points

They can state executive privilege, but if its already found that they committed a crime, they can't use executive privilege. It doesn't increase congress' power if the next president can undo executive orders, but it limits the power of the president.

The president does have the power to issue an executive order which does expand their power over congress in that situation, but these executive orders can be undone by the next president which ends up limiting their power in the long run.

This is a great argument! This power allows them to have authority over the states and balance some of the power that the president has. This is a power listed in the enumerated powers section of Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Congress happens to have the most enumerated powers out of all the branches.

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