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RSS Hassanali

Reward Points:1
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3 points

In the case of people suffering... people suffer all the time, there is no denying that. It is possible that God has created these individuals for the sole purpose of testing others, correct? and perhaps they even go to heaven or they died because they would have committed evil, or perhaps it was just their time to go. people will die regardless, that is the only certainty in this world. So when people are suffering, perhaps it is up for us, the fortunate to help them out instead of being greedy and self absorbent.

Now, thermodynamics can also be used to prove a higher deity. I have seen many professors do so, this is a well acknowledged fact.

Also, there is a misconception going around that religious people ( i am Muslim btw) despise science and that we are bigots of sorts. Many Muslims have been great contributors to the advancement of science, mathematics, culture, education, philosophical ideas, and many more subjects. And, the idea of micro-evolution does not go against Islam's idea. same with physics, chemistry, biology or anything else.

Regarding the ancestry of apes theory, it is true that they are very similar to us.. no one should disagree with that, but we are also very similar to bananas too.. our DNA is 60-80% the same.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing your replies.


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