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RSS Hemwallgirl

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I like how you compared and contrasted the two countries in each category.

2 points

Economy: Although China has a bigger population, the United States has more percent of the population in poverty than China. That is because China is a communist country so they share everything. Also, the United States has a bigger GDP than China but the U.S. still owes trillions of dollars. They owe more than they have.

Military: While America's military is good, China has more people in their military. There are 2,285,000 soldiers in the military in China. That is good because there are many people to help defend their country. U.S.A. has 1,429,995soldiers in the military. How many people that are in China’s military is the population of the United States so they could quickly overpower us. China’s military is also the fastest growing military power in the whole world with great global power and projection capabilities. The United States of America has great capabilities of defense and they have a lot of high power technology.

Political: The United States of America has the oldest working constitution in the world. It has very strong institutions as well. Also the U.S. gave out $32.7 billion dollars to other countries. This will help countries that are need of money and that need help economically.

1 point

I liked how you told that we were attacking japans leader and not their citizens.

1 point

The U.S.A did not do the right thing to drop a bomb on Hiroshima because we really had no reason to do it. In 1945 the U.S dropped a bomb on Nagasaki and killed 80,000 people. Even Henry Lewis Stimson, the secretary of war, did not see a point to dropping the bomb. It put the country in devastation and many family members and friends died for being innocent.

1 point

I agree that you showed what they have to defeat us but we will still win anyway because we have a overwhelming military and a bigger country.

0 points

The United States should not be concerned about North Korea because threats do not make a military conflict more likely today than it was a year ago or a month ago. Also, the United States has a overwhelming military that if war were to break out North Korea would lose badly.

0 points

Well is having another world war good for the countries? It will put the countries in devastation.

1 point

The United Nations should not be allowed to have veto power because if a whole bunch of countries agree on one thing and they think that it is a really good idea and another country does not like it but is the only one that doesn't like the idea then that will make the other countries annoyed at the country that doesn't agree. And if only one country doesn't agree then that shouldn't matter. It will also block the selection of a Secretary General.

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