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RSS Iheart

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Right. as a kid, my parents bought me up in a free spirited home. lots of dancing, love, expression. but at the same time, my dad was abusive towards my mum and would always blame her. as i got older, he started being abusive towards me too, physically and more so mentally. then my parents converted to christianity. by day my dad was sweet, but night he was a drunken, abusive mess. so many times he kicked me out yet when the police came after him he would say that i ran away, and i really think he believes that. he complains that my mum doesn't love him or appreciate his work, but not for one second does he stop to think about how he has treated her and perhaps she is scared to show any emotion because you see, if you try and even lightly talk with him, he will shoot you down, try to prove that you are wrong - even if you agree with what he said! okay, my main uncomfortable situation is that i don't mind that he is a "christian" and he preaches about being "faith based" and NOT religious.. and that totally makes sense to me. but, he also tells me to be open minded and not to judge. and i asked him "but can you really be? " because he can't consider homosexuality, abortions, etc ergo; you can't be open minded. he only wants me to be open minded to the existence of God, nothing else. and i do believe in god, but not in the sense of christianity.. but rather as something that we are all part of. and he knows this, but calls me a witch and threatens to disown me. i don't know what to do.

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