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RSS ImgKairat

Reward Points:9
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

You are right, how the heck did that happen?............... :D

2 points

I agree, it would mean that the egg came first. It doesn't matter whose egg that was, the fact is the fact - the chicken was hatched from that egg. First egg -> then chicken.

1 point

First of all, religion is not actual too. There are no facts. It is a thing you believe in or not. The same thing is Darvin's Theory. It is the case of believe.

Nevertheless, if we talk from religion's point of view...

I do believe in God. And I admit that God created the universe and the first creatures etc.

The idea is that ever since then all the life forms were left on their own. They had to survive, adapt to new environment and so on. May be God saw that his children were unable to adapt themselves and created some kind of evolution thing. May be not, of course. (who knows? we can only assume) But this sounds logical to me. Nevermind, What was I writing about? ah, yes, there comes a lizzard :D Once, there lived a lizzard named NotYetAchicken. It was a very unhappy lizzard, because one giant pre-historic spider was eating NotYetAchiken's children every time they hatched. Poor lizard didn't know what to do so it began to pray: "Dear God, I want my children be able to fly so the evil pre-historic spider could not eat them" (:D why not?) So every night NotYetAChicken was praying to God. One day God has heard the prayer. "Your next child will be able to fly" - heard the lizard. When the time came NotYetAchicken laid one, but different egg. It was bigger than normal. On the hatching day the lizzard was surprised. Of course it was, because the first bird ever was born :D That's how the chicken was born. The lizzard called it Achicken.

Even if Not counting my imagination it is clear, that even from religion's point of view the egg has to come before chicken.

P.S. it's a late night at my place and I have caught a cold, so please don't judge me strictly :)

1 point

I agree with your opinion partly. If I have said, that chicken's egg came before the chicken, you could be right. But the egg is not chicken's :) It's called chicken egg because it contains a chicken.

1 point

The egg is not chicken's, it is a chicken egg. So it don't have to be laid by chicken.

To my mind, a creature that was 99% identical to chicken must have somehow evolved to become a 100% chicken. The steps are (for example): 100% lizard -> egg -> 1% chicken -> egg -> ....-> 99% chicken -> egg -> 100% chicken. The chicken didn't just appear from nowhere, it appeared from an egg. The whole evolution process took place within an egg. A 100% chicken has been growing inside of it and only after this process ended the chick hatched. So, the egg was first.

Winning Position: Yes, The egg was first

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Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Kazakhstan

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