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RSS Islandwarior

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After further thought on the matter i was wrong Gadhafi creates stability.Any democratic change in the region is more than likely to fail and return to a more radical Islamic form of government in the long run is inevitable .They problem in the Middle East is their religion because of its inability to evolve with times.

2 points

The foreign policy that were used during the cold war containment, détente and rollback did work … USSR crumble, and the countries that compose it broke off ,and became Capitalist and Democratic ...China evolved ,after the saw what happen to its neighbor to the north, and we still have Korea and Cuba, but looking at their situation they will soon follow because of this success of these foreign policies in the past there are more than likely to be used again …Furthermore, Looking at the US involment in the Islamic countries, we have use the same tactics with the same results … We have more or less dealt with Iran by using the containment policy. We have use the roll back policy in Iraq and Afghanistan instituting democratic regimes in both countries hoping that the people will embrace democracy. Has for the role in the Middle East in the most recent events, I believe America has downplayed its role our intelligence community is far more active than people tend to believe. Looking at this at a purely strategic viewpoint it makes perfect sense that Islam’s inability to evolve with the times makes it the most dangerous ideology out there, even more dangerous than the communism and has to be confronted .I also believe any democratic change in a Islamic regime will likely end in failure in the long run and a return to a more radical Islamic government because of its inability to evolve it’s just a matter of when .

Sorry i should have made my point more clear my fault. When i meant government i was talking about the communist system in which a government had total control over its people in the same manner has Islam ...The reason from my perspective is that the policy of containment was use to contain communism because it did not follow any guideline. Furthermore, it was spreading like an infection (same way has Islam) Communistic governments didn’t believe in borders they use the same tactic has religion (has you noted in your argument) if a religion (ISLAM) wanted to control a country, the believers would presumably already be there and all the religious leaders need to do is mobilize/organize them. All over the world we see this happening. Communism just like Islam Sound good on paper but once you put the human equation in it everything goes to shit, has we saw when a communist regime, did manage to get power it was just the opposite it was a controlling and a repressive regime, that had absolute control over its people, and if you did not comply with those rules and spoke against it you were killed or sent to a prison camp, until you died …. From my opinion that sounds exactly like the regime of some Islamic countries, which is an archaic religion that refuses to evolve with the times and that’s exactly why it’s so dangerous, and also in Islam religion and government is the same, just look at Iran.

They US are already helping them and they're doing it for a reason... The government just doesn't do thing for no reason just look at history were in Libya because we have the chance of getting rid of an Islamic tyrant and setting up a western style democracy eliminating the future treat... War is always misunderstood because the reason is too complicated for the general public to even grasp. Just look at Korea and Vietnam the US got involve to contain the spread of communism and it worked

a teen is not a adult yet for a reason they dont have the capabilty to reason like a adult and because of this they parents should be there to gave consent

2 points

Good but only if you learn from it .. you could be stupid and do the same mistake over and over again hoping for different results that is called insanity lol

Time because money is only materialistic and fake its base on fate ... Time is the most precious thing we have ...We start dying from the day we are born death is only a mather of when you canot buy yourself out of that

2 points

Yes its true that the climate has change before, but they were all due to outside causes like meteorites or super volcano sending millions of tone of hash in the atmosphere blocking the sun creating a ice age .. The millions of tons of co2 and other gazes are having a adverse affect on the planet its just common sense, anything man made is going to have a effect on nature ..Look at the affect pollution has on the ocean and different fauna around the world. Its just easier to say that nothing we do affects the well being of the planet, if we did then we will have to stop it and thats not going to happen anytime soon ... People smoke cigarette knowing that it kills them if they dont care about they're own lives why would they care of the life of the planet

We saw how good it worked during the inquisition lol ..Torture is a waste of time ,and most of the time the information is not accurate. Someone that is suffering is going to say anything to stop it or relieve the pain. Come on all you got to do is put yourself in the place of someone being tortured you know you would do anything to have it stop

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