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RSS Jessicar4bbi

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
0 points

Stupid argument. You're using an extreme example to demonstrate the legitimacy of gun ownership? I can chop and screw your argument down to make it more complex, as you should have done from the very beginning anyway.

1) A mass murder will have some form of mental psychosis, or history of violence. This means that in a state/country where it is required by law to have a full medical and criminal background check cleared in order to obtain a license to yield a weapon, this mass murderer wouldn't have a chance at obtaining a gun in the first place. Ban guns altogether? They'd have to turn to the black market. And this isn't an easy process, either.

2) Let's say where this man lives, guns are banned. If he wants to go on a killing spree he would have to be extremely dedicated to the cause. Whether or not he obtains a gun, this guy is clearly dangerous and will kill with any means necessary.

3) There are more incidences of school shoot outs in America compared to any other developed country in the world. What is the difference between America and the UK, Australia or Canada? Well let's see here... oh yeah. Guns.

4) "Guns don't kill people, people do". Hm? Of course - a gun is an inanimate object. However, missing the big picture here. More guns = higher homicide rates. Less guns = lower homicide rates. Are Americans just more violent by nature or are you too hung up on your 2nd amendment rights to acknowledge there is a problem with guns?

1 point

I find America's obsession with guns fascinating. Because the founders of your country wrote a document hundreds of years ago stating that everybody has the right to bear arms means that this document cannot be challenged to suit a modern era many years later? What makes this Constitution infallible other than how much importance is placed on its merits by the people? No single document or set of laws is infallible. Basic logic. The fact is there is a strong correlation between legal guns and higher homicide rates. More Americans are killed by guns every year than all other developed countries combined. No problems with guns I hear you say? Also, inb4 "some countries where it is legal to obtain guns have low crime rates". Using a few examples to justify a larger picture painted by the correlation between gun ownership and higher homicide rates is intellectually dishonest debate fodder.

And quite frankly, I am sick of hearing the tired old phrase "guns don't kill people - people do". Yeah, people kill people. But what are my chances of going on a murder spree using a screwdriver vs a loaded gun? Idiots.

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