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RSS Jordanbaseba

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.

Yes, Victor could have stopped a lot of deaths. With the creation of another monster they could have made there own off spring. That being said they could of made a species more dominant than the human species. Victor could not be responsible for more deaths, and didn't want to create more destruction. His decision of destroying the female monster was perfect.

Yes the monster was logical, but logical thinking isn't always the best thinking. The monster in his "logical"thinking killed people out of sadness and anger. Even if he used logical reasoning to get to those decisions you can't say he more responsible.

Frankenstein has a responsibility, and he fails at it. Once he made this monster he must keep the monster in line. This obviously isn't happening because the monster kills William. With that being said the most responsible action victor does was not finishing the female monster, in theory he saved lives.

2 points

Classifying the womens actions as passive is incorrect. You cant just say that the women are passive because they don't change the whole plot. Now in the books we've read like "The Castle of Otranto" and "Frankenstein" the women have actually showed more of being on there own and thinking for themselves than they did in books in the time period before.

That is a thought but i don't necessarily agree. I think maybe the hand could represent humanity, and that it's a blemish of imperfection that humans should not try and fix.

This is a fact. The time that these scientist lived in was a time that was flourishing with discoveries. It was almost a game to see who could discover the most. So there were many instances like this story where people did irrational things.

This is very true. The fact is she never does anything in the text that another human could not. In Beowulf he has like super natural strength and like he does things other humans can not. Georgiana does not do any of those things.

The fact is what Tyler has said is true. The birthmark being removed was a step for science, it was really a selfish move made to further his own career. The fact that his wife was willing to do it was a bonus for him, but it wasn't an act of love on his part at all. On her part it was an act of compassion, but I don't think you can say it's out of love its self.

The main focus of this book was not to focus on the love of the scientist or the love of his wife, so really the way love is betrayed in this book should not even be looked at throughly.

ight hommie how about you stay out of our class because your responses are "ignant"!

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