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RSS Kimberly0311

Reward Points:5
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

i agree because if you were a good sports player you would be mad because they are not giving you back what you did for them

1 point

i'm against because what i think they are just using the sport for money . And i think that because if they were not famouse they wouldn't be worying to much about the sport .

2 points

since you don't have i-phone how do you know i-phones are better they can have basically the same thing and you can just download any game on an android

1 point

androids are better because i-phones are basically the same as other phones they can have the same storage device and androids are better because they both have basically the same things on each phone the i-phone might be better only for other people because they say they have better quallity than androids but they can usually have the same thing.

1 point

time isnt doesnt always be wasted because when they are done with important things they waste non important time on doing other things instead of taking care of their body and heath

1 point

but p.e doesn't always waste valuable time because what about the free time you have when you don't need to do anything important what time do you waste on that and when you actually don't have anything important to do you just waste it on non exersiceble things and you just sit down and be lazy

0 points

i agree because some people would do things and be lazy but on half of their time they could waste it on p.e

1 point

P.E should be required for all middle scholar's and high scholar's because if they don't allow that kids might be focusing more on other non importent things instead of taking care of their body and also because they get entertainig and can help kids have fun

2 points

If they just use the whales for entertainment then that might be wrong because then they are just caring about more entertainment and not giving care to the whales

2 points

I'm against whale captivity because whales are being seppurated from their whale enviorment and if they are seperatted from their whale enviorment they are not going to get used to their surroundings and they will just be stuck with other whales that won't understand each other

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