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RSS Kylej97

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe in God, but your argument for it is very very weak. I think you've been sucked into the church's view on the Bible which is that the Bible is completely flawless and historically accurate. You won't ever convert an atheist with this argument and it shouldn't.

Science tells us a whole ton about what the universe is and how it acts. A lot of what science tells us actually contradicts the Bible. The Bible is not perfect, and that's a really good thing, believe me. God did NOT write the Bible. People did. And people that lived thousands of years ago didn't understand the universe the same way we do today. People back then used to think that the small points of light in the night sky was heaven breaking through into our reality. Obviously, this is way wrong. They're just stars in the sky. duh. But they got it wrong!

The important thing though is that God can still exist. Science and faith don't have to work against each other. Instead of telling other people that God exists because the Bible tells us he does and the universe was made in 6 days, try proving Jesus to others.

We have an astounding amount of evidence for the existence of Jesus and that he actually was born of a virgin, performed miracles, was crucified, and rose from the dead. I can't share all that proof with you because I would need to write a 50 page essay to get all the info in there. Look up a man named Jim Warner Wallace and watch his videos. He was a cold-case detective that converted to Christianity because he researched the gospels as a skeptic and found everything about Jesus to be true.

All I ask is that you, and whoever else is reading this, take some time and do your research. Don't just sit there and doubt everything in your mind. Get out there and do some real research!!!

1 point

That might be true, but that's because the other crucified apostles not mentioned in the Bible hadn't been killed yet when those books were written. It's also why the destruction of the temple wasn't documented in scripture because that event just hadn't happened yet. Why not include one of the biggest events in that time period in your writings? It's because it was still standing when they wrote it. Also just a side note, this helps support the claim that scripture wasn't changed or rewritten decades later. And I also don't think God wrote the Bible. That's obvious. People wrote the Bible, but that doesn't take it's significance away.

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