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RSS Laurax

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
-2 points
-1 points

WHAT about milk?!

Heres a few facts on why cow's milk is so unsafe:

1. Diary products contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates

2. Milk is saturated with fat and cholesterol

3. Milk is contaminated with cow’s blood, pus, pesticides, and hormones

4. Dairy is linked with allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease and cancer

5. Cow’s milk can cause anemia in children

6. Dairy can result in insulin-dependent diabetes in the later years of life

7. Diary products actually cause osteoporosis. Chinese women who consume calcium from plant sources have lesser incidents of bone fractures in old age

8. Milk has no iron, however it also blocks its absorption

9. Milk has less protein than most vegetables

10. Milk does not cure peptic ulcer disease. It only offers temporary relief of pain. In the long run milk causes acidity and further destroys the stomach lining

11. Milk is carcinogenic. It contains a factor called as IGF-1. All cancer studies show that when IGF-1 rises in the body one gets cancer.


Guess what it may say it contains calcium, but the protein in milk inhibits calcium absorption!

& what about the cow's?

1. Cows live for about 25 years and produce milk for about nine years. The stress of the factory farm leads to disease, lameness and reproductive problems and most cows die or are sent to the slaughterhouse in four years.

2. In the farm, the cows are hooked by their udders to electronic machines and cows are subject to constant electric shocks. This leads to mastitis.

3. They spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors and living conditions are abysmal.

4. Cows are genetically manipulated given antibiotics and hormones so that their milk yield increases. Many are also given gentically modified feed which has been shown to result in infertility, and the effects of this on humans is virtually unstudied.

5. To see that cows produce milk, they are impregnated. Female calves are either slaughtered or added to the diary herd. The male calves are killed for veal, which is considered to be a meat delicacy.


Vegetarians are idiots because they are for animals but yet they still eat dairy.. which is an oxymoron.

-1 points

Vegetarians do not eat meat because they think its wrong to eat animals. Right?

But what about the other animal products?!?

If a vegetarian drinks milk or eats eggs they are 100% contradicting themselves.. vegans are the smart ones (the ones who do NOT eat soy)...

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