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RSS Madina1306

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Buying a few school uniforms instead of a new school wardrobe every fall is much more economical. School uniforms are designed to stand up to everyday wear and repeated washing so most parents find that they can get away with buying a few sets. With all the money a parent saves by not having to buy day to day clothes, they can (if they so choose) let their children buy a few nicer and more fashionable pieces for weekends and evenings. Wearing a uniform five days a week might make students appreciate their weekend fashions more--maybe enough to even take good care of them!)))

1 point

Everyone knows that the children mind is fragile. If parents cannot protect them from these kind of problems, who will? It is ok, when they grow up and realize that the world is not a fairy tale. But we should save them from any mental problems, what could be forced by "fashion competition" when they are teenagers.

1 point

Children are free to concentrate on lessons. there will be decrease in peer pressure to wear trendier brands. you will not have to get up in the morning and think about your trendy clothes.Students take less time to get ready in the morning. overall uniforms cost less. the parents may not provide huge amount of money in order to buy fashionable clothes, just not to get lack.

1 point

I agree with all arguments "for" above. yes, uniform link all pupils and, i believe, contributes into education process. going to school it is not taking part in fashion competition.

1 point

Nowadays not all schools require wearing uniforms from pupils. It is, undoubtedly, wrong. First of all, pupils may be from different social classes, thus it will lead to unequal attitude. Rich children will be wearing expensive clothes which others cannot afford. So it affects on psychology of a child. Otherwise all of them will be wearing one uniform, so nobody will feel whiite raven. Secondly, wearing uniform means the presence of discipline.

1 point

Marijuana can prevent diseases like cancer, migraines, glaucoma, Alzheimer's. The active component of marijuana, cannabinoids, kill cancer cells. If marijuana can prevent disease like cancer why not to legalize?

1 point

So what will be a housewoman's daily schedule? Getting up in the morning, preparing breabfast, lunch, dinner, washing only? Do you really think you want this?

1 point

Sitting in the four walls will make her crazy. When woman works she has society to associate, friends to chat. I don't she will be beautul when she washes napkins only.

1 point

if a woman sits in the four walls she goes crazy. Society, making friends, chatting make her beautiful, not washing napkins.

1 point

Only that her children go to school doesn't mean she should stay at home. First of all she is a mother. Helping her children in any situation is her obligation. If all women who have children stay at home, it means that onle men will work???

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Winning Position: For

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