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RSS Marisa1m

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

With the liberation of the marijuana consumption, it will be legalized and available in advertising campaigns that will stimulate the consumption and more people will try the drug. This will increase the number of dependents and more people will suffer with cognitive and respiratory problems, problems in pregnancy, psychiatric disorders, sexual dysfunction, brain damage. Unfortunately some of them will die victims of these diseases.

Marisa 1m

1 point

Being a vegetarian is currently an option very diffused because it is associated with health benefits like lower cholesterol, lower risk of coronary heart diseases, lower blood pressure, lower risk of hypertension and diabetes, besides a lower body mass index (BMI). These would be some advantages for who follow a varied and balanced vegetarian diet. However, vegetarian diets must be well planned to be healthful, nutritionally adequate and bring health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Otherwise, they can bring health risks, especially for pregnant women, lactating women, children, adolescents, athletes and people in treating diseases like cancer, anemia and others. It is important the monitoring of doctors and nutritionists who can provide vegetarian diets with essential nutrients appropriate for each person.


1 point

People want entertainment when they go to the football stadiums. It is inappropriate the sale of alcoholic beverages because alcohol consumption can stimulate violence. The country hosting the World Cup is committed to accept the requirements of FIFA, in this case FIFA requires the sale of alcoholic products. There is pressure from commercial interests to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages because the sponsors pay millions of dollars. However, the liberation of the sale can generate a greater onus for the Cup organizing committee and the Brazilian authorities who are responsible for the security in the stadiums, not to FIFA.

1 point

The plastic bags after their creation have became quickly popular with their free distribution. Currently in the world are produced 1 million plastic bags per minute. Something highly damaging for the environment because they take at least 300 years to decompose completely. This government decision about the payment for plastic bags is the initial action for the people begin to become aware of their responsibility to the environment future adopting the rule of “3 Rs”- reduce, reuse, recycle.


1 point

The internet dependency interferes with daily life, thus problems in social interaction, mood, work, sleep. The overuse of internet could be a manifestation of depression, anxiety or impulse control disorder. The problem is how people could be conscious of their level of internet dependency because some of them describes themselves as bold, outstanding in these applications, not as a dependent.


1 point

Millions of people using social networks because it´s a good tool to be linked. The informations that are shared with the contacts allow people to keep connected without much effort, otherwise you don´t know who else is looking the informations and how they can use them.

Companies that operate social networks collect a variety of data about their users, some of them to personalize the services for their users and also to sell to advertisers. You don´t know what kind of information may be safe to post and if they are really protected. Criminals use social networks to connect with potential victims to identity theft, create fake accounts to request others to connect with them, robe the house, sexual predators.


1 point

Nowadays children have a variety of technologies to access media using different sources. They can benefit with the huge quantity of informations that are available using them for education or entertainment. On the other hand children are being exposed to advertising on the Internet, TV, movies, magazines, radio. This exposure contribute to the problems like excess of consumption, obesity, anxiety, in the future teenagers addicted in cigarette or alcohol .

For this reason parents need to be attent with their children to avoid future problems because of media influence.


1 point

The consumption of goods and services is a daily activity to have our needs and desires. As knowing this demand for the welfare with the consumption of new products, the marketing and advertising companies are increasingly working in order to attract consumers' attention to increase the consumption of products using many advertising techniques such as the idea of fashion through the use of a new product that will make the consumer the center of attention, the efficacy of the product by the testimony of specialized people, the image of products related to beauty, celebrities, creating an ideal lifestyle. This consumerism can be turn irrational, impulsive, without worrying about the consequences based on material values, bringing economic, health and environmental problems. However, we also have the movement of the rational, controlled, selective consumerism, based on social and environmental values with the concern for future generations.


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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Marisa Tsukamoto
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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