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RSS Marvelco

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I know for a fact that it doesn't because people should be smart enough to distinguish the two types of situations where you either text or write. It doesn't take a genius to figure out when and when not to use abbreviations like "lol" or "lmao".

But it does take a true phone junkie to keep using them. I understand why people use abbreviations, though. It makes it much easier to communicate with their fellow peers, cuts button pressing by half, and we're just that lazy to not spell out the whole word.

1 point

The government is supposed to protect people from outside intrusion, and maintain order in it's country. If one job fails the other will too. So in order to maintain an anti-hostile enviromnent, the government should secretly monitor suspicious individuals to preserve harmony and tranquility. However if our government were to ignore observing these people, so many negative things could happen to our country's security.

0 points

I have to agree with that sexy beast Juan. I too love SOAD and think it is kick ass. END

1 point

Fathers can sometimes be lousy, but it is through their mistakes that we can learn to become better parents. Dads are meant to be that icon that motivates you to surpass them. You can't have a healthy family without having two parents to guide you in life. No matter what, dads are the people you look up the most, no matter how tall you've grown.

3 points

Even though people make mistakes, a murder is always commited with the best of intentions to kill. It can't possibly be a mistake if I stab some one in the leg with a sharp object, and say that it wasn't my intention to make him bleed.

My point is that I wouldn't want to live under the same roof with a woman that could possibly be schizophrenic.

2 points

How many mistakes does it take to screw your life up? Just ONE!!! Love has nothing to do with this. Pack your bags and get out of that house because your very spouse can hold you accountable as an accomplice.

1 point

In order to help advance a common good, you must first realize what is your common good. You have to know when you are that better person to then spread your good to other people. You can't just assume that you are a great person if you don't have anything to show it. If you desire to see a world full of all this goodness, YOU have to be that spark that starts the fire.

1 point

Shakespeare's work should indeed be studied in high school because it prepares the intellect part of our brain for college literature. His work is very interesting because each story always has a phrase to think about.

For example, " I have never seen a day that is so disgustingly filthy and beautiful."

It creates a scenario where the most repulsive of places is a setting for something so stunning.

1 point

Freedom is given to you by birth. No person can take your freedom away. If a man were to give you money without you asking, this man has the liberty to do that because no law makes this transaction illegal. However, you too have the decision to do the same, but it always comes down to what you want to do.

1 point

Respect is earned through getting to know people. It benefits you and your friends. However, wealth is only earned thorugh a job, and therefore sometimes lost. Respect can't be completely lost. It's like saying you walk next to a person you don't know and bump into them. The kind thing to do is say excuse me or sorry. The wealthy thing to do is give money to that person so that they forget what they went through.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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