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RSS Masterbater

Reward Points:1
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1 point

What about the gender imbalances favoring women in some occupational fields? The fact that more women teachers are hired than men? or nurses? Most modern feminists go on and on about higher male employment and how it's unfair for women not to receive equal opportunity. If you identify as a feminist who wants everything to be equal for both genders, you have to look at both sides, and examples of women dominance as well. Besides, working to create equal numbers of men and women hired for a particular job is ridiculous. What happened to being hired because of your work ethic and/or knowledge in the field of work? If I were in an employer's position, I would hire based on these characteristics, rather than hire equal amounts of each gender so that I can keep feminists at bay. If you want an example, take firemen. Because men are anatomically built stronger than women, it would make sense that more of them are hired for the job that could potentially involve carrying a person out of a burning building in order to save their life. Or would you rather have dead or injured people instead of more women in the field of work?

Another thing that feminists complain about is rape and sexualization of women. Can we really blame men for having testosterone levels sometimes up to 20 times higher than a woman's? They might seem hornier.. because they have more of the hormone that fuels sex drive.

In the past feminism was very important, I don't deny that. But now that so much has been achieved- equal women's rights and all that jazz- what's the point? What are modern feminists trying to do? How can you make everything equal for men and women when there is a pre-established hierarchy that favors men when it comes to strength and dominance?

I don't understand feminists either, but if you identify as one, here are some things you can do that will actually make sense:

1. Blame mother nature (or God, or evolution, or whatever it is you hold responsible for the structure of humans) for making men physically stronger and with higher testosterone levels.

2. Encourage employers to hire based on gender, not on the morals of the worker, or how qualified they are for the job

3. If you are a female feminist, go around and rape some guys. If the difference in statistics bother you, that's the only way you're going to be able to fix it.

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