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RSS Mshaaya123

Reward Points:29
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1 point









1 point

A guy who accepts a slut and decides to marry her is basically saying "yes despite the fact that there's a 99.99% of a chance that you're going to either cheat on me or give me aids, i'm still willing to marry you because I'm a complete idiot."

That's exactly what he would be saying, in summary. A slut is disgusting. A slut has no respect for herself and her appearance and will do anything to fulfil her sexual desires, therefore a man shouldn't even go near her.

Rather instead, a man should find a woman with decency, modesty, love and most importantly respect.

1 point

Wow, cannot believe you'd say such a thing. Firstly, I'm proud to see that you acknowledge that "it is rather gross." On the other hand, you state: "Animals want to have sex, and you do too, so if whiskers doesn't mind, there is no reason not to."

Have you ever taken into consideration the fact that animals are quite horny and sometimes when lacking sexual activity they consequently begin to express their sexual tendencies on humans by humping their legs and what not. However, this gives a human being NO right to act back and fulfil the animals sexual 'desires'. Rather instead, if the human was really A HUMAN, they would realise how morally wrong it is and the fact that an animal gains much pleasure from intercourse with another animal rather than a bloody human. Also, above all, there's a thing called diseases and viruses. For example, sexual contact with animals can put the person at risk for worms, fleas, ticks, salmonella, campylobacteriosis, scabies, and possibly viruses!!! So put aside the so-called "pleasure" gained from this disgusting act but also bear in mind the long-term affects it has on your health. Thus, this all accounts for the reasons as to why it is still illegal and shall continue to be.

2 points

I strongly believe that, one with belief in a God and strong faith in their religion will consequently achieve a positive outlook on life and will therefore be happy. Linking back to the question, the key to happiness is knowing why you're alive and one who's religious is more likely to achieve this happiness. But above all, the key to happiness is identifying who you are, what you want to do in life and most importantly, respecting the people around you and demonstrating how caring a human can be. All of this contributes to a happy life for an individual as they become satisfied with their kindness to others, and as a result gain kindness from others.

1 point

One can definitely say that WWE or any other wrestling tv shows are fake. This is due to the fact they are only presented for entertainment purposes, and essentially 'money' purposes. I don't see how it could NOT be fake. I mean common sense must also be used as once seeing that they get punched, kicked or slammed in the face there is no blood or bruises? does that not indicate it's fake? we all know it's impossible to be punched on the nose and not bleed. It's not human. The show serves to entertain individuals and make money. That's all it's about. I doubt it would be allowed to be real anyway, considering the events and incidents that have occurred whereby excessive bleeding are imposed opponents and what not.

1 point

Just like Richie Antony stated, I undoubtedly agree with all his reasons provided. Unfortunately,woman will never be granted the rights that are given to men. It is an equality and gender issue, however one must know that it's also traditional. It is hard to suddenly make things equal when all along men were the ones open to many employment opportunities, whilst women fulfilled their house duties and roles as mothers. It is saddening, but it is traditional. Now that technology is advancing and women are accessing education and identifying their capabilities, more and more women are joining the workforce, and have career aspirations which 20-40 years ago, been for men. For instance, women have always cleaned the house and cooked etc. while men have always worked and assisted the family financially. Today, despite the many changes and the rights women are given in regards to employment, education and what not, it is still unusual that you'd see a man cleaning and cooking and taking care of the house while the mother pays for the bills. It's merely a traditional issue rather than an indirect discrimination.

1 point

Well this is quite interesting. Due to common knowledge, zoos and circuses are not bad. They actually look after animals and provide food and water for them, whereas in the wild some animals are ceasing to exist and are becoming distinct due to being eaten by hungry animals desperate for food. Circuses and zoos not only provide for the needs of animals but also help keep other animals in the wild safe such as the innocent deers who are forever being targeted by particularly lions. People may think that the place in which they belong is the 'Wild' but also consider the entertainment for human beings. Despite the amount of money zoos and circuses make, people are so entertained and are creating strong relationships and bonding with animals, something of which cannot be obtained if they are not made present to the public. By being made present to the public not only will they entertain humans but will also be respected. Out in the wild, it is likely an animal dies due to starvation/hunger or thirst. Simply due to the lack of water or maybe the inability to search for it. It's quite sad, and also many are prone to diseases and consequently die. Whereas, if in a circus or under the care of the zoo, their needs are being met and they are treated accordingly.

1 point

I do. Despite the fact that I don't regularly attend church services I still consider and will always consider myself a Christian.

mshaaya123(29) Clarified
1 point

I utterly and irrefutably agree with your view. My concern has always been the emotional, social, mental and particularly the psychological wellbeing of the child. For instance, one growing up with two fathers would merely destroy their sense of belonging. Consider the bullies out there, those who do discriminate on the basis of one’s sexuality. Although I’m against discrimination, I think it’s undoubtedly wrong to be married to someone of the same gender as you. It does in fact mentally hurt a child, to the extent where their perspective on life is altered as they age, wishing they had two heterosexual parents. They themselves would begin to ponder on whether ‘Gay marriage’ and ‘Homosexuality’ is acceptable and serves as ‘normal’. It’s so sad to see that there is a significant rise in Gay marriages, somewhat indicating humankind has lost all respect for their true purpose and ultimately, for God. The Bible, a sacred text which all knowledge is derived from, acts as a source of teaching. This teaching encapsulates the wrongness of homosexuality and places emphasis on the fact that one will not be able to inherit the kingdom of God if they are homosexual. We all know this. Although one cannot rely on the Bible to teach them absolutely EVERYTHING about life as not all is contained, we must also have common sense and recognize that gay marriage is not natural. Despite the so-called ‘love’ that supposedly exists between the two so-called ‘lovers’ who are led to believe that one of them plays the role of a ‘girl’ whilst the other wears the pants, my point is: Gay marriage does not serve to fulfil the purpose of a real marriage which is PROCREATION. Adopting a child is far worse, bringing an innocent human-being into your life to illustrate and teach to them your own wrong-doings, consequently influencing them to view it as acceptable. Please man, where’s the brains.

1 point

I don't see how were mentally unstable for knowing that homosexuality doesn't allow for 'procreation'. It's utterly disgusting

Winning Position: No it won't

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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