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Reward Points:11
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is better to be strict with child, but not so strict in order not to hurt child's feelings. Baby should be raised in peace and of course love conditions, but it is does not say that you can let them everything that they want, it is unnecessary. So, it would be better to be neutral with your baby and it will be enough.

1 point

Air pollution today is in the worst situation, and it cannot be worse, we cannot return air which was clear as hundreds years ago, so it is does not matter today if petrol will be clear for air. Nowadays, air has so much elements that we could get a petrol from this.

1 point

I absolutely agree with you ,today mankind have millions, even trillions cars and it will be difficult to adapt and it costs very much, of course. People will have a crisis, a big crisis , when the last inventory of petrol will cost a huge money

1 point

anyway, it is the sport that shows nothing from the good side. There are a lot of death that will hurt somebody's feeling, but what can we do, it is Spanish game, and may be tradition of showing manliness

1 point

It is a case that was from ancient times, people who had a big pocket of money use saleves for their own deals.

Today situation a little bit changed. Poor nation stand on the lowest position in socity, and it is very hard to remain that descrimination into the equal life and rigt.

1 point

What parents do the first when they bring their child?

One of the most important things is that they say him/her their religion. They say about god ,who created the world and mankind and all people live with word God" in their mind, somebody live without faith , somebody attend churches and mosque, believing that everything will be in good way. So, if you heard in God's book, called "koran" and "biblia" , was written" We are equal, live in peace and in love ...."

So, it is does not matter who you are, black or white, asian or european , we are equal, because we are people -and that word connects us , and says "be and stay people , because word "man" saunds so proudly and do not defile word that unites us!

Winning Position: Biological

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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