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RSS Ocachisu

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1 point


Says the young, white, fully-able man who possible loves violence.

"sexism: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women."

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I can't even say anything to hurt your feelings. (implied by Louis C.K.)

1 point

"That is an exaggeration. Women are not devalued."

Then why is a woman pressured by society to change her name upon marriage but not a man? Sounds like patriarchy. And don't get me started on the image of the female body. Devalued doesn't even cover it. All women are, are things to look at that help around the house and make sons.

"Beyond that, sexism is a personal opinion and cannot be banned."

Just as racism is a personal opinion and cannot be banned but it should not be tolerated.

"Also of interest is the Forbs list of billionaires, there you will see that the only woman on the list inherited her wealth from her late husband. I will not generalize based on this, but you can see where sexists base their argument that women are inferior in business."

You infer that women are inferior at something dominated by men for 6,000 years (because just 40 years ago women were allowed to enter the workforce)? Well that's misogynistic.

"I love sexism because I have a small brain, among other things

If I made that 'I love Feminism because I have a large brain and small breasts', that would be regarded as sexist."

You really didn't have to add the last part about small breasts. Now you're just picking on someone you deem inferior to you and you're attempting to devalue them using things you think might hurt their dignity ("small brain" and "small breasts"). Why don't you do some research on the history of feminism? Maybe the sexist of men can finally win the right to vote or enter the workforce or not be criticized by his breast size by the opposite sex.

"This Google search reveals many sites I would deem as sexist towards men, but do you see me starting a debate about it? Get over it, sexism happens on both sides, but men rarely complain about it, because we don't give a shit."

Men also didn't have to face 6,000 years of patriarchy and oppression based on their sex, only achieving explicit freedom of sexism just 40 years ago, still fighting implicit sexism and some other forms of explicit sexism today. Would you like it if someone told you you were inferior because the only thing you were good at was lifting furniture? What if an entire society thought like that? What if the world thought like that? You don't know what it's like to feel like somehow you're less of a human being because you were born with a uterus.

"I do not agree with sexism, but everybody has a right to an opinion. Removing somebody's right to an opinion is just another form of discrimination."

But that opinion hurts. It can create stereotypes. It is unwelcoming to an entire sex. That's half the human population. I have the right to be respected as an equal just as much as you do and my sex shouldn't get in the way of our friendship. I don't view you lesser than me just because you're a man and I expect the same respect in return. A misogynistic opinion destroys the representation of someone, where everything that person does is held accountable for their entire sex. It's a form of discrimination. It can lead to harassment. It can ultimately destroy everything humanity has worked so hard for.

1 point

Sexism on the Internet --against both sexes --harbors negative ideologies outside of the online world. This can be harmful, as implicit and explicit sexism in media, politics, religion, law, family, and society still exist both online and in the real world. In order to progress as a humanist society, we must first accept that such sexism exists then work together in removing said sexism, as we are doing with racism, out of our society. Make this a safe, more welcoming place for all people.

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