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RSS P-cates

Reward Points:7
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9 most recent arguments.
0 points

The internet and computers are the cause of digital music downloads. The iPod is simply a carrier of those files.

1 point

Music use, in this example, represents a ‘rationalisation’ of work practice, John

can only be disturbed if it is a query about work, thus music reception enables him

to function better in terms of his perceived tasks by helping him to focus upon his

work rather than have his mind wandering off as he puts it.

1 point

“By listening to music at work, I’m now using music (or rather the fact and act of

listening to it) to a) block out distractions, b) send out a signal to co-workers that I

am actually busy and so their interruption had better be work related, rather than just

casual chat and c) prevent myself from distracting myself (sic) - I find my attention

easily wanders to surfing the web or doing ‘other stuff’ unless I have music on. It’s

as though listening to music focuses me in on the task at hand.” (John)

1 point

“Some people have not considered that piracy is just plain wrong but when they understand it is not a victimless crime and other people will lose their jobs” - Graham Burke, chairman of Creative Content Australia

1 point

I like your work Grenache....................................................................

1 point

That's my point, no one does thattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

1 point

You can test drive a car but once you're done, the car is returned to the dealership.

1 point

Nup, you're wrong Nup, you're wrong Nup, you're wrong Nup, you're wrong

1 point

Downloading music without paying for it is robbing artists of their entitled payments

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