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RSS Rcgrant

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Oh Dear God Yes. I mean look at this how many Black supremacy groups do blacks have. NAACP,Black Panthers. None of which have ever been targeted as any White supremacy group. A white man or men question the GREAT ONE he himself goes out

of his way to slander and destroy him. Obama is a one trick pony. OK he is black khaki or something besides white that got him there how big of idiots are we gonna be to re elect him

1 point

Just correct me if I am wrong. Did black men not fight on the side of the evil Confederate Battle Flag waving, evil, southern white man.

Bottom line a Northerner can own slaves at that time and all is good, but a southerner owns a slave at the same time and all things related to that period a racest .

1 point

Well to answer for myself I wear mine as I would anyother shirt. Maybe the black people you mention in New York have no clue as they are not from the south.

What about when the black people wore Malcolm X shirts (even more of a racest statement) most whites could have cared less. No disrespect to anyone or group but if a person lives outside of the South they probably have been brain washed into a certain point of view. Granted there are some racest people who have made the flag have a bad feel to some people but where I live blacks and white get along great (yes in the deep south) Why because we respect each other and know that a flag cant define who or what a person really is

1 point

How can a flag be a sign of slavery? Slavery was just one of the many reasons for the civil war. What next ban all white sheets from being sold. Just like Muslims there are people that us their religion as a tool for evil,just as some people did bad things behind the confederate flag, same as the Knights Templar carried their flag and so on

1 point

I have to say that the racist comment dont fly. Using the argument it is the flag oionf

a failed nation, why is there no American been adopted by Iraq or other failed nations

involved with the U.S.

Second who made the case to remove it from the buildings? A yankee and our dear

president was very vocal in the argument.

Bottom line it was not racest until Northerners stirred the racest angle.

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