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RSS Rilgoff

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I beleive the Government should not be allowed to moniter any individuals. We as Americans have rights, and are supose to be free to do whatever is not illegal, and if we have the Government watching us we would be free but would have no privacy. The Government has no right to invade your privacy even if you are a wierd crazy person.

1 point

I think that it better to have a lousy father rather than to be fatherless. If you have a father figure at the least you would have some influence in your life. You can use it as a positive and use it as an example for you to be a better father. I believe if your are fatherless you have you mom only to help you, if you have a lousy father you would have two peoples opinions, even though your fathers lousy and sucks he may be able to provide some sort of help to you. I don't know anything about being fatherless or having a lousy father, my dad has always been here for me since I live with him, but if I did not have him I really don't know where i would be.

1 point

I would turn them in, because that is just crazy. Why would you ever kill somebody? Whoever would do that shall be punished for their crime, I don't care who you are to me, or what you mean to me I would definitely turn you in. If you help that person you may also go to jail for the crime as well, and I'm not going to jail.

1 point

I would rather endeavor a personal pursuit, because it would be most beneficiary to me, but I want my personal pursuit to help others. If I can create anything to benefit myself and help others and be successful i would do it.

1 point

I believe that Shakespeare's writing's are important for high schools to read. It often shows different situations with different conflicts which you have to think about to understand. I do think that they should rewrite the plays using more modern terms. The reason high school students dint like the plays is because the dint understand the terminology, but they are all great stories and have great meaning behind them.

1 point

I dont fully understand the Quote "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." What i think it is saying is that you earn you freedom by the decisions that you made in the past. Meaning if you make bad choices you would have less freedom, if you make good choices you would have more freedom.

0 points

Honestly i really dont care who wins i dont care for either canidate. If i were forced to vote i would vote Obama because his plans seem more effective. Neither canidate is going to help change the nation durastically, but they will make minor changes. We need a president like Regan who makes major changes to nations ways and beleifs on the nation. We need someone to come in and change the education plans and get the economic plans in check, since America is struggling. AMERICA NEEDS BETTER THAN BARRACK OBAMA AND JOHN MCCAIN, BETTER PLANS, AND WE NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO STEP UP WITH ALTERNATIVES TO HELP THE NATION.

5 points

I beleive that it is better to be well respected because people will know who you are because the things you do rather than your moneey. Money cant get you everything it can buy you things and tag you as a rich person, but people may never respect what you do. Being respected gives you power, and people look to you for decisions. People with respect are better people and make better choices.

1 point

Im not in to superman or batman, but if i were to choose a better superhero i would choose batman. Batman is a better hero because he has natural abilities, were superman can see thought perple he can fly and stufff like that. Batman uses weapons and vehicles to get from place to place.

1 point

I'm indifferent about this specific topic. Some schools make you wear uniforns and take specific classes. At our school we have many different art classes and other classes where you can show your creative sides. Every week our school has a theme for all of our games and you get to dress up, it's lots of fun seeing our friends clothes and stuff.

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