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RSS Sbuehler

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with this because George didn't want to do this, but he had to for the other guys. And I agree with you saying that it wasn't going to be painful for Lennie because he didn't know George's plan.

1 point

5) At the beginning, George tells Lennie that he should come under this bush to hide if he ever gets in trouble. It was a happy mood because they were talking about the ranch they were going to have. At the end of the story, they're in the same place, but George knows he has to protect Lennie from the men wanting to kill him. The mood changes drastically because of what Lennie did.

1 point

3) I feel like society should put people that are mentally handicapped in places where they can't hurt themselves or society. They aren't in their right mind set, so we shouldn't punish them for what they've done. But they should be taken care of properly so they aren't doing things they're not supposed to. We can't blame someone for what happened to them.

1 point

I agree with this because if a family isn't capable of taking care of someone, then they should get put where they can get taken care of, and it still will be good for the person and the family and society in general.

1 point

2) I think that crippled people should be taken care of in society, but they should be put somewhere that people are able to take care of them. If you like helping people, this could be good for you as well. If there is somewhere that these people can go, it can provide stability for them and for society.

1 point

1) I don't think mercy killing a human is right. If you think about it, you are still killing a person. If it's an animal that's in pain and old, than that's a different story. Mercy killing a human shouldn't be right.

2 points

4) I don't think that George is justified about killing Lennie because of how close they've been throughout their lives. Before George kills Lennie, George hesitates to pull the trigger multiple times. George doesn't want to kill Lennie, but he tricks himself into doing so because if he doesn't, the men that wanted Lennie dead would of been worse for Lennie. Right before George does it, he puts a happy thought of the little place that they'e going to get and what animals they're going to have. George wanted to make sure that Lennie had a happy thought in his mind before he got killed. Even when George was going to kill Lennie, he still wanted to make sure he was okay.

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