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RSS Siatama68326

Reward Points:2
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5 most recent arguments.
3 points

nods head


3 points


jdhsjdncurwjbdfiuedsdbhuvgfehbcsxdkmfebhbxnjcfhvfdsd grehdrsfdbfchjneskdbgefirukjelt grfreturdfihneirysdgufhesdausoijknbrevugsaeidsojkxncebjhfsdguzyxijkncrwe rsdfscxesuadjfshxejrwksdjfsdvxuygwsuahdiojskmzndcxhjv

2 points

i mean can

all the following stuff is for the 50 char length:

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''.,MNFVCXSADX hg hnjk jn gfgv

siatama68326(2) Clarified
2 points

i disagree. books are better as they usually contain good content. plus if you watch something while driving, you can also crash too. also, TV's con destroy your eyes if you look to close. does TV's give you education? Well, no. they do not because it always depends on what you are watching. also, all movies always has a story line, and guess, what. they usually don' t type it. they always has a physical version of it. all of this is on everyone's option. you can't for someone. you also cannot say " If you think Books are better than TV, Chuck Norris will kill you". this is technically cyber bullying.

See ya and thanks!

siatma, peace out.

2 points

Books are easily accessible and contain information from education to entertainment for all ages young and old. You can take books anywhere with you and they can be placed in your bag or an extra carry bag.

Unlike TV, you can buy books for extremely cheap prices, ranging from large novels priced at around $30 and short children books priced at $5. Most books can even be borrowed at local libraries for free. There are also text books which include the hard copy of the digital work. The maximum cost for these books are $50, which, in the long run, is cheap. Compared to paying all those electricity bills for watching TV, charging your portable devices etc and buying movies from $5 to about $30.

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