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RSS Steflapod

Reward Points:8
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

abstinence if you have enough self-control. this is, of course, not saying that everyone who doesn't want a kid should never have sex, but its guaranteed to keep you 100% baby-free.

0 points

i think if this topic is at all unclear to anyone you should go to anywhere books are sold, buy an NIV bible (easier to understand) read it, and find a good bible church to regularly attend.

8 points


1. it is the minority of teens who are unsafe drivers, and the majority should not be punished for this. maybe it should be harder to get a license at 16 but not made illegal

2. Many teens may have a need to drive at a younger age. mom and dad might both be working and the younger sibling needs to be picked up from daycare...or perhaps they are in extracurricular activities at school. should they not get an equal opportunity to be involved at school as the child whose parents are available to pick them up?

3. one study proved that at the age of eighteen the part of the brain required for driving is barely more developed than it was at 16.

4. Some argue that teens are more careless drivers because they are trying to show off. I think its the opposite. Many new drivers are more cautious because they're not as confident of their abilities. As opposed to an experienced adult driver who may be over-confident in their abilities.

5. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. is it not better for a teen to gradually begin learning from a younger age (when the need for them to drive may not be as frequent or prominent) than learning to drive at 18 when they will soon be off to college, needing to drive more often with less time to practice and less adult supervision?

6. the obvious argument that this is infringing upon a person's rights. does a 16 year old really deserve that many less rights than an 18 year old?

there are many other arguments for/against the raising of the driving age, but i thought these were some fairly valid points

(I'm 16 by the way and a very safe driver. never an accident, ticket, or even a missed curfew)

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