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RSS Tjade

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

she wore a meat dress. she colours her hair crazy colours regularly. shes defintely outgoing. shes crazy. wears outragious clothes. doesnt give a crap about others sensibility to her actions and usually does what they dislike on purpose. always does the opposite of what is expected. its lady gaga.

1 point

we are the aliens. the meteor that crashed and killed the dinosaurs was actually a spaceship; we are the aliens. the crash caused amnesia. our leaders name was god, his son was jesus. our addled brains used imagination to fill in the gaps of our memory. this is called confabulation. we created a book so our younger generations wouldnt forget as we did. now there is a religion created over our leader (god) wife cheating on him and lying about it; saying the baby was his (jesus).

2 points

a lot of countries have legalised gay marriage; and guess what?? the world hasnt imploded, or gone into chaotic ruin. everyone is alive; no wrath of god, and people are smiling and wearing the ring they always wanted that links them to their lover. it is not ruining anything. not the sanctity of marriage, i mean; for christ sake! people have chosen to marry their pets, the eiffel tower and a bunch of other weird things and we all congratulated them; but heaven forbid people with the same genitilia marry! kim kardashian was married 72 days and britney spears 55 hours, just for fun! and where were the outbursts? the petitions and screaming and violence and hatred you all show to scared people now in hiding? nowhere to be found. divorce is a sin, as is cheating; yet you all do it. christians pick and choose what laws of the bible they wish to follow; they are not logical and all they result in is violence and hate. a supposed loving god caused all this? no. this is not what he wanted, he wanted acceptance and you are all breaking his heart. no end of the earth or immenint oblivion has occured after two people deeply in love legally became one. just deal with it if you dont like it; it is not affecting you personally. dont like gay people? dont marry one; and stay out of their happiness. or i will come up to your wedding and say you cant get married; because you are straight, and it is against my religion. not exactly fair.

2 points

so you're telling me; britney spears 55 hour marriage and kim kardashians 72 day marriage didnt destroy the sanctity? but two people in love (who just so happen to have the same genitlia) can? what about divorce? i bet a lot of christians divorce now; that destroys it. so does cheating; which you all do. you guys are just so orceul with your supposed laws of god; shoving it down peoples throats, picking and choosing which laws you will all follow and which you shall ignore.

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