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RSS Vsiri

Reward Points:7
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4 most recent arguments.
4 points

Is knowledge power? why or why not?

Knowledge is not power alone—if you know how to do something but not understand the purpose of it, what is the point of knowing?

Are ideas dangerous? why or why not?

Ideas can be dangerous if they are in the wrong hands—the hands of someone who does not know the line between right and wrong, perhaps—and very beneficial in the right hands.

Should people read "old" books? Why or why not?

Yes, reading "old" books allows people to see the perspective of people in the past. Though it may not be the main purpose of reading an "old" book (maybe for pure entertainment), it also allows people to understand their views and view how they lived.

3 points

1. Is mercy killing right or wrong? Why or why not?

Mercy killing, in my opinion, is right if the person being killed wishes for it.

2. What should society do with its old or crippled people (like Candy)?

Society should take care of its old and crippled people (for example, by having people take care of them and help them perform everyday tasks).

3. What should society do with its mentally challenged people (like Lennie?)

Society should try to teach mentally challenged people and allow them to live as normal a life as they can.

4. Was Lennie's death justified?

Yes, if he had not died, he would've killed more things or even gotten tortured by Curley.

2 points

I believe that I will like this book. I love the contrasting personalities of George and Lennie, and I love how they have formed a family of sorts by looking out for each other and the such.

I also wonder what importance Lenny's fondness of mice holds.

6 points

No, while I do try to be a keeper of my "brother," you never know if your "brother" will ever choose to turn against you. I believe that you should be as responsible as possible without giving so much that you become vulnerable.

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Biographical Information
Name: Vanessa Siri
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 00000

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