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ProAgressive's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: And he says "oh heavens me"
Winning Position: Can anyone point me to a good Cuntanese translator?
Winning Position: Just what we need, another cuntservative obsessing over other people's identities
Winning Position: The dangers of grain fed beef
Winning Position: Nom needs to leave a Wuwu in peace or I'll give him an 11 dimensional calabai-yau titty tw
Winning Position: Can someone please explain to Nom that I don't speak Cunt
Winning Position: The most wholesome, child friendly music on earth (warning 100% sarcasm)
Winning Position: Corporate America
Winning Position: Corporate America
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]