
ArchonElite's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ArchonElite's arguments, looking across every debate.
ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

Why do you assume that further right (individual, as you put it), is necessarily further down (authoritarian)?

I don't, the far right is either fascism or anarchy depending on how up or down it is.

Why is math fans articulation of far right libertarianism a load of bullocks, but far left libertarianism is not?

He was under the delusion that the right wing itself is about liberty. Quit being a retard and take the time to understand what you're reading before you put in your 2 cents.

0 points

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Says the cunt who wants to shoot left wingers. Eat a wank you proto-fascist scuzz bucket.

That bitch is on my top ten list of people who need to die. The sooner, the better.

You're on my top ten list of potentially violent right wing terrorists who need to be detained and questioned by the FBI.

0 points

There is no right wing media. This was debunked in the 1980s.

Fox News, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, and many more.

0 points

Seeing that you are cool with Muslims coming into your country, just stop being a bigot and be cool with the Christians that are already there.

I don't like any religions, actually. Religions are superstitious loads of crap.

People further right on the Dunning-Kruger graph smart guy. Are you biased against all categories that are right on graphs?

Yes, I am left handed, and I only drive cars that have the steering wheel on the left side.

People further right on that smiley face would be confident.

People further right like to gobble rhino wanks like a hungry sumo wrestler.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

That would hold if you consider the system confined to a local area or state, though not others. That is, in the absence of nation-wide, and/or global mandate.

Does the same rule apply to capitalism?

communes have decentralized power, and organization, however when people practically discuss the terms "socialism" or "communism" in modern political discourse, they refer to willfully & happily conceding tremendous amounts of power to a state authority

That's not necessarily how it works. Marx believed that in order to implement communism there would first have to be a state, the purpose of which is to re-organize society and then dissipate as more power is passed to the public. Communism itself has no state and refers to the final stage in this process, and when most people say "communism" they mean a primordial version of Marxian socialism where the state still has power. "Communist" countries have never progressed past this point, and that is why I disagree with Marx on how to implement communism. Communism itself though is actually a very good idea.

The further right-wing one gets, it strips away government power entirely and becomes individualist in nature.

That is, put bluntly, a load of bollocks. You are probably watching too much right wing media. The political spectrum is not just left/right (collective/individual) but also up/down (libertarian/authoritarian).

At the farthest end of the right you will find either Fascism or total lawless "every man for himself" anarchy.

At the farthest end of the left you will find either a hive mind or a resource based economy.

Trump might as well go to jail for being a criminal sith lord child molester.

If we sent all of your alts to the abyss, there would be a lot less pollution on this site.

Educated people don't rap. People from trash cans do.

That's the opinion of a small minded clump of toenail scrapings that doesn't know anything about rap.

0 points

The Politics of Genocide,

Another book for my list.

Have you ever heard of a guy called John Pilger?

Not until now, I just looked him up. I'm going to read his stuff as well.

He's got a great body of work behind him. For decades he was the quintessential dissident. For the most part I have the greatest of respect for him. He's a powerful intellectual.

That said, Ed Herman was always the smarter of the two in my opinion. He was much less interested in popularity than Chomsky however. Very private man.

I just picked up a book called "On Noam Chomsky: Critical Essays" at the library. I watched a few speeches of his on youtube and thought he was pretty smart. I will have to look more into Ed Herman, he seems to have a common genius trait in being introverted.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
2 points

One could be quasi-libertarian/quasi-anti federalist

I myself am a libertarian socialist, and an anti-federalist. These things are not inherently right wing.

that support weak federal government, and strong state & local rights/power.

That's similar to what socialism is meant to do in the first place. The decentralization of power is fundamental to socialist philosophy.

it is possible they could support some form of Socialism on a small level

I could imagine an almost fully socialist state falling under this description. Of course, socialism is a spectrum rather than an absolute. Even some right wing systems have a small degree of socialism but there is a point on the political spectrum somewhere right after "social democracy" where you cross over into actually being fundamentally "Socialist" by definition. And by definition, the more left wing you are, the more socialist you are. Socialism literally is the far left itself.

You know math because of your experience. You know the objective world subjectively.

Math deals with quantity, which is objective. The understanding of fundamental things is not subjective.

2 points

What a dumb question, of course I exist.

You're not a hero, you're a slimey little capitalist weasel with the IQ of a three month old opened can of sardines.

2 points

A hero is a person who puts themselves in hazardous or difficult situations to save the life of another. People do this all the time.

So are Hitler's body guards heroes if they risk their lives to protect Hitler?

Is your definition of “debunk” the same as “downvote” ?

No, but they go hand in hand in most cases. Same with adhoms, on their own they don't mean much but when paired with an argument they add a nice touch.

Objective things cannot be known but subjectively.

Not entirely. I know that one plus one equals two objectively.

Subjective things exist, subjectively.

They are not what you think they are, therefor what you think exists doesn't exist. For example a concept is nothing but electricity and chemicals in your brain.

Get rid of the Communists and make some space. Everyone wins.

Get rid of capitalists, that's how you save the environment.

That rap was ingenious and is Eminem tier. Such excellence is lost on a backwards hick who's idea of lyricism comes from southern folk songs from the 1800s.

-1 points

Everyone is a hero of their own story.

In other words heroes don't exist and it's entirely subjective, next.

2 points

The flip side of the Dunning-Kruger effect is that highly intelligent people are overconfident in the ability of others.

Highly intelligent people are like this when young but in time they all learn that the majority of people are retarded. That's the experience I've had in life, being highly intelligent myself.

2 points

Killed that white privilege myth didn't ya?

You have the privilege to go fuck yourself, I suggest you use it retard.

2 points

Additionally, the left/right spectrum is deeply flawed and is little more than loosely associated commonly held views

Then why does everything you attack happen to be associated with the left? It's because your overall mindset is that of a primitive neanderthal stuck in the mental ice age of bullshit.

You’re conflating collectivism and socialism. All kinds of people are collectivist, though not all are globalists.

Jesus facepalming christ, do you understand nothing? There are different degrees of collectivism and different types of it. You are the one conflating socialist collectivism with tribalism. The kind of collectivism you're talking about is of a smaller scale, a different context and is not the "ultimate" form of collectivism that you would find on the far left.

The question remains if an ultra nationalist has a socialist agenda, are they right wing for their nationalism or left wing for their socialism.

It depends what kind of nationalism it is. A socialist state may defend their interests or be patriotic, but socialism is ultimately egalitarian and concerned with eliminating class and creating a community that works for everyone. A socialist state is not imperialist, elitist, or traditionalist, as these things go against the very core of leftist philosophy.

Your question concerned socialism, not your personal, narrowly defined brand of global socialism.

You retarded cunt, my "personal" socialism is the kind at the farthest end of the left. My collectivism is supreme, I envision a future where all are connected and even alien species are part of the community.

Not all characteristics on the political spectrum are mutually exclusive from other characteristics on the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s more nuanced then that.

Now you're explaining the obvious, assuming I don't know things that I do just so you can tickle your narcissistic little pickle. What you are suggesting goes against the core values of the far left.

2 points

Collectivists are naturally inclined to view individuals according to category

Collectivists view individuals as part of the community, far leftist collectivism of the brand that I'm talking about views the entire planet as part of the "community".

the form that collectivism most commonly takes is racism

That's a short sighted and primitive type of collectivism, not a Marxist Globalist type of collectivism.

socialist utopia

I've already explained to you 2000 times that I'm not a utopian, utopian socialism is an outdated model from the fucking 18th century.

for whites only

Sorry, ass wipe. Racism is for the right only, one of the literal primary defining characteristics of the left is egalitarianism.

Can they be ultra nationalists ?

No, actually. The natural inclination of a collectivist is globalism rather than nationalism.

1: America is a free country.

2: Things exist which are spiritual in nature.

3: Venerated historical figures like George Washington and Christopher Columbus were honorable.

4: Morality can be objective.

5: America is a democracy.

6: Socialism means state control.

7: Particles are something separate from fields

8: The state has authority

9: The average human is sane.

10: There can never be peace among humans.

The Purple regime and concept is to make an elitist, rational psychopathic long-lasting Illuminati where the corrupt and smart work hand-in-hand, balancing preservation and destruction as they please.

That's what you think RBE is so why should I trust you when you say it's wrong and bad? The purple aliens are probably the best.

well, no, it's not ever okay. ever. towards anyone. even if you are against religion, it's still wrong.

Prove it.

hate speech.

Yes it's okay when you do it against religions because they're objectively wrong.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

Most of us don’t. FromWithin might take issue with what you guys have together.

Yes we're gay blah blah blah now go back to middle school you sophomoric school child.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

I actually do not like them. Maybe there is not a direct coincidence. They are black on the outside, red on the inside which is quite unlike what I enjoy.

My favorite berries are blue berries, which are usually more purple Maybe it's a sign that I'm like the blues, only better.

Would you like to respond to the debate? It's okay if you cannot. I understand.

I already did you retarded orangutan. By definition Fascism is the opposite of socialism.

Right. That's why you defend Islam like it's your chil, despite it being none of the things you mentioned.

I hate Islam because it's a retarded religion. The reason you are under the impression that I defend Islam is that when you attack Muslims I like to point out how your religion is just as bad.

Which has nothing to do with supporting the policy.

Stop conflating socialists with liberals you incessant waste of Nazi regalia.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

You’ve decided they taste bad huh? Think nom will be willing to trade roles?

Shut up you incessant piece of crap, nobody cares.

FASCISM: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

SOCIALISM: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

It is linked to something you deny is real. :) Yellow is a pseudo-colour in the alien hierarchies.

I have an honest question, do you avoid eating black berries because they are linked to the black faction?

Yet you've promoted nationalized healthcare and free college for all.

That's not what nationalism means you insanely idiotic packet of child molesters.

Yet you promote affirmative action and identity politics.

I'm not an American liberal, retard.

Yet you promote the sacredness of other cultures.

No I don't, I promote that nothing is sacred and all is subject to change and that culture needs to constantly progress and evolve.

Just killed that Nazism is right wing narrative, didn't we Nom?

You have the intelligence of a used crack pipe laying next to a back alley rubbish bin. Right wing is about individuals controlling the means of production and the left is about society controlling the means of production.

ArchonElite(335) Clarified
1 point

I'm not sure what you mean.

You must have heard of it. I mean what do you think about the idea that there are inherent physiological differences between people of different races which affect things such as intelligence and criminal propensities.

2 points

Still waiting for you to list out what you disagree with Hitler on

That the state should control the means of production

That some races are subhuman

That the aryans are the master race

That lying 4000 times a day is a good way to conduct yourself

That Marxism is a bigger threat than capitalism

That other races should not be allowed through the border (unless it's your borders which expand into them)

That it's a good idea to trust a quack doctor to put you on 50 different medications

That nationalism is good

That socialism means dividing people into classes based on race

That traditional (conservative) German values are sacred

That penises taste good

and many many more

2 points

Not really because libs used to love Trump.

libs are basically less extremist and less stupid conservatives, but they are still in the same ballpark. No one on the true left ever liked Trump.

So look at how the Left ignores the science of biology.

We believe in evolution though, you deny it because a 2000+ year old book tells you an imaginary ethereal entity created life.

They would have us believe that some men are naturally designed for each other.

You don't have to be so triggered by gays. Some people are just attracted to the same sex, no one is claiming they are "designed" for each other. The left doesn't even believe we were "designed" to begin with.

Tell me how you ignore the science of biology.

By denying evolution.

Tell me how homosexuality is just one more sexual orientation on the same footing as heterosexuality.

It isn't as common and it doesn't fulfill the biological mechanism of reproduction, but there is nothing inherently bad about it.

Explain how the male parts are designed for each other.

They weren't designed. Penises evolved to release sperm into vaginas but humans have also evolved to view sex as an enjoyable activity rather than merely an act of reproduction and have various preferences.

The next time you spew your ludicrous drivel concerning scientific facts... look in the mirror.

When I look in the mirror, I am sexually attracted to myself. It is a scientific fact that left wingers are scientific and right wingers are stuck in the past.

Far Right is undeniably more evil than Far Left, in theory.

You said you would side with fascism over communism.

In practise... Well, that's a different story.

I rest my case, right winger.

If you are a social democrat you are by definition more sympathetic towards socialist ideals, and therefor communist ideals than far right ones. You are objectively not a social democrat.

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