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hate speech hate speeeeeeeeeech
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:23
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 hate speech (9)
 hate speeeeeeeeeech (10)

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ArchonElite(335) pic

I hate Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

hate speech

Side Score: 10

hate speeeeeeeeeech

Side Score: 10
1 point

"hate speech: abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation."

hate speech.

Side: hate speech
ArchonElite(335) Disputed
1 point

hate speech.

Yes it's okay when you do it against religions because they're objectively wrong.

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech
sainttrashca(9) Disputed
1 point

well, no, it's not ever okay. ever. towards anyone. even if you are against religion, it's still wrong.

Side: hate speech
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

You don’t believe things can be objectively right or wrong. So what’s your real reason?

Side: hate speech
1 point

Why do you hate Christians? What's to hate about them? They are one of the most kind hearted people on the planet.

Side: hate speech
0 points

I hate Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

That would be quite a massive coalition to have hating you back. That's about 60% of the people on the planet. If you count Hindus, about 75% would hate you back.

Side: hate speech
ArchonElite(335) Disputed
1 point

That would be quite a massive coalition to have hating you back.

They all hate each other anyway and besides, what about "love your enemies" ?

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech
jamesbody(80) Disputed
1 point

That would be quite a massive coalition to have hating you back. That's about 60% of the people on the planet. If you count Hindus, about 75% would hate you back.

And the same would apply if you lived in Nazi Germany. If you weren't a Nazi, about 75 percent of people would hate you back. Hence, are you telling us that we should become Nazis?

In fact, your very argument is itself an appeal to populism (i.e. the idea that what is popular is right because what is popular can be controlled by power), which is precisely the same logic used by the Nazis to win votes.

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech
0 points

You are just falling for Nom's nonsense. Jews are not as evil as the other 2, overall.

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech
ArchonElite(335) Disputed
2 points

You are just falling for Nom's nonsense. Jews are not as evil as the other 2, overall.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Ever read the Talmud? Yeah, didn't think so.

Side: hate speech
Mingiwuwu(1446) Disputed
1 point

Compared to orthodox or catholic christian law and to sharia law, it's pretty innocent.

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech
jamesbody(80) Disputed
1 point

You are just falling for Nom's nonsense. Jews are not as evil as the other 2, overall.

Sometimes you really are a fucking retard. If you want to find out how nasty Jews can be just open the fucking Bible. Or a history book, you fucking idiot.

You think Jews are precluded from being evil by some mysterious force? Maybe it's an anti-evil laser beam being fired from the spacecraft of your alien overlords ya fucking weirdo.

Side: hate speech
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Muslims and Christians have a far worse history in number and severity of those harmed and means of harm.

Assassin's weren't invented in East Asia. They were invented by a political mastermind who invented both Hashashin and suicide bombers via the same organisation of Sharia hitmen.

Christians pillaged and conquered to spread theory faith and then used the fact other was majority to later be how they justified forcing the remaining Europeans, Africans and South Americans to turn.

Side: hate speech
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

The Aliens support Jews and Hindus. They also supported Viking religion. Islam and Christianity were joke religions designed to inspire chaos and destruction made by a chaotic faction of aliens that knew the other would destroy the other for millennia to come.

Side: hate speech
0 points

At least you cannot be accused of being prejudiced.

You hate everyone equally.

Side: hate speeeeeeeeeech