
FactMachine's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactMachine's arguments, looking across every debate.

Too bad you only believe in 6000 years of it.

And too bad you believe it started in a magic garden.

2 points

You voted for HILLARY?

I officially hate you. Anyone who would vote for that deep-state swamp hag is irredeemably stupid and/or evil.

This is painful to listen to...bitch do you EVEN RAP?

I'd tell you to eat your words, but I bet you like EATIN' CRAP

I don't have to try, your shit is WEAK SAUCE

getting your ass CHEEKS FLOSSED


I use a durian fruit as a PILLOW

and I use a live porcupine as a DILDO

You need to complexify and bring in the SKILLS YO

your a biddy baby blubber boy bitch titty BIMBO

2 points

Nom is runnin' at the mouth, cause' he never GOT CLOUT

I got the drum and the scope, everybody WATCH OUT

You don't support the second? imma show you it's ABOUT

bang bang, now you got a bullet in your nut POUCH

all my niggas really GANG BANG


Imma kick you in the WANG, MENGE

and let my nuts HANG

I'll cook you in my OMLET

while you NOM SHIT

You eat shit, and you're KINDA GAY

you will DIE TODAY!

I'm equipped with a BAZOOKA, STUPID


time to SHOOT YA DOOFUS...

I really DO THIS

if you talk I'm gunna leave you TOOTHLESS

I don't give TWO SHITS

We all know nomenclature's USELESS

and he's a NUDIST...

My weed is kinda STICKY, UH...

time to light a SPLIFFY UP

You've got SHITTY LUCK

time to let my SMITHY BUST

I'm gunna BLEED YA

really don't NEED YA

I'll put you in my FREEZA

then put you on a PIZZA










2 points

Justice is When strength, intelligence, and beauty prevails over weakness, stupidity and uglyness.

You are pale and have bad skin, get some sun and stop eating cheesy fries.

And stop eating so much cum, maybe then you wouldn't be so profoundly obese.

And get off the ice bank and live with some humans for a while, that might curb your walrus like behaviour and help you lose some blubber.

FactMachine(430) Clarified
1 point

White people are actually slightly less human than black people because white people are part neanderthal.

O bomb ya

he used to grow ganja

he used to be chill but now you don't wanna

fuck with him, obama

will explode on ya

standin' next to your family then you got their frontal lobes on ya

especially if you wear robes, and gotta

go wash for the whudu and do al-salat for allah

Obama's not white or black....he's a demonic monkey

addin' to suffering of victims in an Islamic country

They didn't choose to be born in a diabolic dungheap

instead of killing the tyrants, he'd rather kill off the ones he

claims to protect, cuz he's a cunt, see?

Yes, Iran should take out al kabbah, that way the Islamic faith would be shaken, but since they are muslims that is unlikely.

2 points

Antrim what you are failing to consider (despite the blatant obviousness of it) is that the vast majority of the universe is beyond our current scope of vision, even most of this galaxy is obscured to us, we are just barely able to discern certain details about nearby solar systems. To base your opinion on the fact that we don't directly see any evidence of ETs is little better than a blind man saying that light doesn't exist. Even with the limited range we have we have already discovered hundreds of planets with similar atmospheres to earth and liquid water. That being said there is an unbelievably huge amount of planets with earth like conditions in the entire universe not to mention the possibility for life to form under entirely different conditions. On top of all this, life on earth is one of the rarer cases because life here is so diverse and complex, when you consider the fact that most life bearing systems probably contain much simpler life forms that are no where near our level of evolution then you will see how retarded it would be if we just happened to be the only life yet we progressed to this level in a universe where life isn't even supposed to exist in the first place.

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