
Revolt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Revolt's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


And OP, who ever said "staring at spreadsheets" and working in general was fun? It's just what you do if don't want to live with your parents your whole life.

1 point

LYING VS NON LYING I would definitely lie. Because I'm not an asshole.

1 point

Outside of the phallic symbols you can see if you freeze frame the movie, yes.

1 point

Black Ops 2 FTW. The multiplayer is infinitely better and the story probably will be too. When it comes to long-term playability, this is no contest.

1 point

They're absolutely pitiful. I feel sorry for any young girl who is forced to be part of one. And who are we kidding? Of course they're forced. And those male panel judges probably go home and beat off to the kids who performed on stage. Disgusting.

1 point

Hardly any difference at all. The part of their platforms that IS vastly different are their typical stances on social issues like gay rights and abortion. Otherwise, they both support the welfare state, military interventionism, and the repudiation of most natural rights.

1 point

OK, wayyyy too many users on this thread are posting ignorance rather than understanding what a scientific theory is first.

1 point

I don't think there should be any doubt about it. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession, so the idea that you can get rid of it is incredibly naive. And just like with the banning of "narcotics", it creates another underworld of criminals and crime.

A couple of people on this thread have justified the ban on prostitution by asserting that all women (and men, for that matter) who become prostitutes do so because they had a traumatic childhood full of physical/sexual/emotional abuse. Even if that statement were true without exception, it wouldn't be relevant. A legalization issue is always centered around the question of "Which solution contributes more to the well-being of society?" And to me, the answer is clear.

1 point

The evidence that age restrictions are not effective and easy to bypass is overwhelming. I never knew a kid growing up who wouldn't drink because he was underage or couldn't get someone of age to buy him alcohol. The discretion should be in the hands of the supplier, because he is the only one who can truly monitor and enforce a responsible sale.

2 points

Nick Jonas I think. Beiber seems scrawny while Jonas looks like he could pack a punch.

1 point

I like broccoli because it's a healthy thing to eat that doesn't taste bad. In fact, it really has no taste. I guess that's why most people don't like it.

1 point

No. I think it's safe to say he could have handled that a variety of other ways.

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