
Stickers's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Stickers's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Aw sweet I found this debate hahaha I can use my arguments for my college presentation :))))

2 points

I agree, to an extent. It is the cause of the problem, but all the same, sometimes you have to address the symptoms of a problem (like the abuse of access to certain weapons) to mitigate the extent of damage.

1 point

Some debate that I normally can't have irl. And learning.

2 points

His only pro is not being Hillary, and right now that's a pretty good one.

1 point

Somewhere between liberal and libertarian at the moment .

1 point

I... What ?

1 point

Yes please. I'm literally waiting for my mom to get out of the locker room as I type this.

1 point

No. Why would they ?

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

Maybe it is. I get what you're saying, but that's neither here nor there. I can't find anything, if you have empirical data to back your claim, now is the time.

EDIT: added "it is"

1 point

Is Venezuela even "socialist"? Unless I'm missing something here, I wouldn't consider a country that only taxes a fraction of it's GDP "socialist".

1 point

ahahaha what? I'd say 24 hours though .

1 point

Yeah sure you're welcome. People often don't examine or discuss policy beyond being "pro-_" and it allows stuff like this to fall apart.

1 point

Maybe it's my kink .

Stickers(1037) Clarified
2 points

Ah okay. You are definitely right about that. Some Democrats do have fairly extreme views on abortion. I would still like to think that most people, even Democrats, think that 28+ weeks is easily long enough.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

And you would know that she is a sociopath why, exactly?

Inquiries cannot be claims, and all disputes are claims. Therefore, your question does not dispute my claim. If you want to dispute my claim, feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.

Please give us an example of sociopathic behavior on her part.

Okay. I'll give you several.

Blantant fraud with commodity investments

Clinton Foundation tax and donation fraud:

Her involvement in the Benghazi cover up

"Landing under sniper fire"... lol I'm not going to even bother citing that one.

Accepting extremely dodgy campaign contributions

1 point

Hillary isn't out of touch, she's just a sociopath. In any case, we're not bankrupt. If you want to see bankruptcy really looks like, read up on Puerto Rico. They have a horrible mess on their hands.

3 points


You did not address, much less refute the claim that he made. And you assert that he does not believe because... Of his lifestyle choices? Do you know him personally? How would you know?

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I agree that she is corrupt in all areas of life. Her private email server proves this and it amazes me the entire Obama administration allowed it.

I agree. It goes back, and I mean like waaay back further than the emails. She has acquired an insane collection of scandals over decades. Blatant money laundering, illegal campaign funding practices, tax evasions, "mysterious" deaths. You name it.

When she gets the nomination, and I mean to say when, not if, things are going to get scary.

I get sick of hearing her feminist rhetoric while not caring for any unborn girl babies no matter how close they are to birth. They coud litterally be seconds from birth and the Democrat party supports nine no restriction abortion states to abort the child.

That should bother any person who has an ounce of humanity.

Do you have any examples of Democrats supporting the legality of abortion during the 3rd trimester? It's my general impression that most pro-choice people would be hesitant supporting it past 3 months of development (which is still in the 1st trimester).

But what do we constantly hear about that is so concerning to Democrats? Forcing every public school in America to allow boys in girls bathrooms. THIS IS THEIR PRIORITIES!

The whole bathroom kerfuffle started from a regulation that requires people to attend bathrooms that "do not correspond with the gender stated on their birth certificate", despite the fact that birth certificates evaluate sex, not gender. Such a regulation by the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act is also unconstitutional because it oversteps protections that have already been put in place by cities and counties. This law is the only law of coercion taking place. There are no new laws pushing for public schools in the US to make new accommodations for transgender students.

This extremist Democrat party is FIXATED on LGBT lobbyist money while our nation implodes.

In this case, it is the action of men a bit too in interested in other's genitalia focusing their purportedly keen legal eyes on bathrooms.

2 points

Isn't it more concerning that she will do or say just about anything to get more money and power? Her values aren't screwed up, they just don't exist. I would not take anything that she says seriously at this point. She has had a tremendous reputation for decades for lying and general unethical conduct. She would vehemently "oppose" abortion if it were to benefit her.

1 point

Okay thank you. That works .

1 point

What are we supposed to debate over, exactly ?

1 point

Is there supposed to be a video? I can't open it. Tried mobile too, no luck.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I am not on here often, but when I am, I put a fair amount of effort into what I say. It is only fair for me to expect likewise. If there is anything about my statement that you'd like to address, I'm listening.

1 point

Thank you, but I wouldn't hold my breath. He's not going to bother.

1 point

Sexuality is not a choice, it is by definition a matter of attraction. I assume that you are a heterosexual. Would it not be ridiculous for me to suggest that you at some point chose to be attracted to the opposite sex?

Logical arguments don't rest on two contradictory premises, and are useless if they rest on untruths. That is why one can't simply choose to "agree" in some areas, and "disagree" elsewhere if both matters depend on each other to be true! In regards to the lgbt vendetta that you speak of, you should look for someone else to debate with on that. Most of my patience has left me.

1 point

Before I start, don't make this about me. Have some god damned respect, I've been respectful to you.

A law that forbids discrimination against gays isn't an attack on Christians. It's in place for everyone, and made to limit discrimination that businesses have already agreed not to practice when they received a business license. Don't you know that Christians are commanded to obey the law of the land in the bible? Those that deny service to gays or lesbians are doing anything other than being "Christ-like".

Stickers(1037) Clarified
2 points

lol a fuckton of homophobes are gay .

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I can tell you for a fact that making a debate like this would galvanize anyone to pay more attention to you. It's all ultimately up to you, but your first priority should be to not be bothered.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

You literally created both of these debates. That means that you can ban people. Or you can, you know, actually tell Hellno that you want him to leave you alone.

1 point

Lame. Speak for yourself, dude. You don't get to make decisions on the validity of someone else's gender.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
2 points

And in any case, you seem quite angered by Hellno's comments?

Hellno has been here for ages and will fuck with people. It's the internet, man. We all get angry but none of it is worth much fuss over.

3 points

Why are you getting angry over internet points ?

1 point

Speaking from personal experience, it's not "violent" games that enrage me. CoD, Mortal Kombat, and Melee don't do that. If anything, it's games like Tetris and Mario Bros that make me rage lol

1 point

Damn Progressive Leftists and their running around >:(

The liberal stance against a federal/state/local gov't requiring people to visit bathrooms of their birth sex is one against regulation, not for it. That said, the liberal stance would also include passing protections that would bar businesses from disallowing access to bathrooms because of sex/gender.

1 point

Ah alright.

As far as we know, choice doesn't exist at all. It's more sensible to just say that it is at least "unseen", perhaps because of how we contextualize objective reality, or perhaps because it just isn't there.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

Why have you assumed that I care about natural disasters? I don't. Do you honestly think that any of us would be here if we did? Truly, the creator of the universe has made us in his image.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
3 points

So let me explain somethng to you. Christians believe God created the Heavens and the Earth. Do you really think God could not handle a little polution or carbon emissions?

We all know that your god could handle it for us, but would your god handle it for us? People are dying from diseases and natural disasters that are not our own doing. If we aren't going to be saved from that, we're not going to be saved from pollution, a problem that is our own doing

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I'm trying to show that, if we can alternate between the two in our mind quite readily, perhaps the distinction between the two is conceptual and there is no reason to take a distinction that far. There isn't any evidence that there is phenomena outside of our individual minds influencing it, as a result, we cannot rule out having a participatory and independent mind that simply constructs reality based on whatever will it has exerted.

1 point

Looking back at many debates that I've had with "fervent religious folks", we were really just wasting each other's time. It's important to ask questions, but I can't do that for people. Just gotta let it be.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I suppose that if you define being gay as "performing romantic and/or sexual acts with the same sex" then yes, it is a choice. However, that would logically make being straight a choice. The same would follow for calling "straight" attraction an obsession or a compulsion.

What idea or values being propagated in a book about a gay couple's life are you against?

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

Hmm... I've been trying to develop a refutation of this. Bear with me.

Don't we at least choose the way in which we conceptualize things? Aren't we exercising some sort of dynamic of choice when we use, an abstract means of understanding a concrete thing (or vice versa), like inches (abstract) to measure height (concrete)? Aren't the avenues that we take contextualize things a way of sieving through reality, and thus demonstrate choice because it manipulates our reality of perception?

Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

Pardon, but to inoculate primary school children with what exactly? And how?

Are you suggesting that being gay is a mental disorder?

1 point

I've actually toyed with this thought quite recently. It absolutely does sound like there would be two consciousnesses rendered from this, but how one hemisphere functions without the other isn't fully understood. Although in a case by case basis they are mostly if not entirely physiologically the same, we must have two hemispheres for a very good reason.

3 points

Mother of god. I can't believe that the gov't is stealing from the rich to fund medical coverage for those 18 years of age and younger (Medicaid), financial support for the disabled and dependents of deceased breadwinners (Social Security), and to fund free/reduced meal prices at school for lower income public school students (Welfare) !!! They should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps !!!

1 point

This occassion calls for bleach shots .

3 points

I believe that I answered the question, but I'll go further. I chose this side for a reason, didn't I?

Assuming that he was "punishing" bad people, bad people needed to punished, and that the punishment were to fit the bill, that fundamentally would not make him good. The premise that Satan is "punishing" is flawed. Satan wouldn't give a damn if hell were tit for tat.

Luke 18:19

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

2 points

Hell is not a "punishment". Heaven really isn't even an award. From a Christian narrative, nothing is being "forced" upon you.

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