
Debate Info

Yes I suport the police No I support the criminals
Debate Score:114
Total Votes:119
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 Yes I suport the police (40)
 No I support the criminals (40)

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warrior(1854) pic

Do the police deserve more respect

The police are over worked, under payed, and diss respected by the peaple they risk there lives to protect I for one am ashamed that sort of thing happens we would thank the cops for there valient service what do you think 

Yes I suport the police

Side Score: 60

No I support the criminals

Side Score: 54

Policemen are trained to kick ass. They also carry guns. You would be stupid not to show a little respect ;)

Side: Yes I suport the police
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

That's fear, not respect.

Side: No I support the criminals

I'm sure they're OK with that too ;)

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

The police have a greater responsibility to act according to the law. Policemen deserve, due to their responsibilities, less respect and less of a special regard than other citizens in the form of higher standards. Oh, and the police in Norway for example don't carry guns.

Side: No I support the criminals
4 points

If you peaple want to live in a world with no cops then move to Somalia

Side: Yes I suport the police
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

Actually, Somalia has many police forces, the private armies of various warlords as well as the old government. That is why the country is so fucked up.

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

Those aren't police there power hungry warlord militias if the country had a stable government and a good police force they'd be fine

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

As much as I agree with the "other side" of this debate, I have to admit that our society definitely requires a form of police. Not in the sense that is the general conception of police. But rather, the realism that our society needs a form of people that "regulate", in hopefully proper manners, the people in hopes that chaos does not form easily. Withthatsaid, I also realize that there have been multiple, insane amounts of times, when the police have exercised their so-called-rights in extremely negative manners, such as beatings, harassment, ect. This is a no go, no good, no bueno, uncalled for and irresponsible. I support some regulation, good regulation, not corrupt political bullshit.

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

There are bound to be a few bad apples but we must not judge all police officers by the conduct displayed by a few There are bad cops but there are many more good ones

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

Cops walk a fine line on one hand they need to maintain peace and order and uphold the law but on the other they are also obligated to protect peoples constitutional rights so there varied objectives conflict all the time this coupled with low pay, long work hours, and a complete lak of gratitude can be an extrem caus of stress wich may account for most if not all modern accounts of police brutality just think all the good you can do by just showing a little respect and gratitude

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

I support the police they help get rid of the all those drug dealers and people who are committing crimes. Imagine what would live be without a police force? People everywhere would do what they want(bad things) and nobody would stop them.

Side: Yes I suport the police
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

If I have a gun, and I shoot it at your face, did the law stop the bullet from hitting you?

Side: No I support the criminals
2 points

What is with all the hate on the police? I don't get it. Of course I support them.

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

Thank you finnaly I get an intelligent person in on thi debate

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

Police do deserve more respect, but only in the sense that police ought to respect the ones they are protecting; civilians.

And so, in a sense, I want to be respected that I am a human being and I want to exist, and respect and help protect me, if need be; "someone needs to do it."

Police deserve the respect from civilians because they are the ones going out there and battling for their lives day in and day out. I've got family and friends whom are policemen @ westside southern cali and I thoroughly respect them for what they do; they are very well equipped, both physically, mentally, and they are great people; I am biased, they are my family and friends, I realize this.

It's obvious that there are "corrupt" authorities, however, not all police are great people; they are rigid and more street gang like, and they are everywhere day in and day out.

Let us not forget the genuine, friendly, helpful police that do protect us from particular dangers, and are there to get you out a ditch, or there to help you find your way, or getting a crack head out of your tree, whatever it may be.

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

Some cops are very nice but in Orlando, FL where I live the cops are corrupted so cops can help you or hate you no matter if you're good or bad.

Side: Yes I suport the police
1 point

You know it's funny how you all rip on the police but whene your house gets broken in to who u gonna call? ( I swear to god the first idiot to say gost busters is gonna get banned)

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

who u gonna call? ( I swear to god the first idiot to say gost busters is gonna get banned)

So tempting.

Side: Yes I suport the police
warrior(1854) Clarified
1 point

Ok fine I'll admit that is a varey hard opertunity to pass up you can say it as long as you give a real answer after

Side: Yes I suport the police

I can't honestly believe so many people are on the opposing side. I can even attest to bad experiences with cops, and because I have a problem with authority I don't like them, any of them! But to say that they don't deserve respect seems to be childish. All cops aren't bad. In fact when I was younger, a neighborhood bully stole my bike and my parents couldn't get it back legally, so a cop did. Some cops can be dick heads, as I grew up being black in Baltimore, I realized that, but that's the ones that choose the force just so they can oppress people. The good cops, the ones that actually want to protect and serve, they exist and they deserve our respect.

Side: Yes I suport the police
5 points

Police are supposedly there to stop people beating us up, murdering us, stealing our stuff, kidnapping us, or discriminating against us.

So they go around beating us up, murdering us, stealing our stuff, kidnapping us, and discriminating against people. Makes sense.

The police are a private army that serve the government officials and by extension the corporations which back them.

Fuck tha' police!

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

Police harass more then thy protect, and they are private army that server government officials and not the people. The biggest thiefs are always on top and the prime function of police is to protect them. Prime example Greece.

Side: No I support the criminals
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

For the main answer check bold

No, what you described was a corrupt cop. Police, the people that do their duty, deserve respect, and I have seen good police officers upholding their proper duties.

When people get power, sometime sit goes to their head, and sure a lot of cops are corrupt, and a lot of them are jerks about their power, but that doesn't mean we should condemn them all to that kind of disrespect.

Think about this, a lot less percentages of humans pollute, and ruin the world but still some do. Would you want all humans killed for their 'crimes' or just the ones that performed the crimes.

Let me reiterate, I tend to ramble.

All cops aren't bad, the bad ones should be removed from power, but the good cops that actually protect us from criminals, should be respected. Do you at least agree to that?

Side: Yes I suport the police
warrior(1854) Disputed
0 points

You sir are a class A moron who has no idea what the hell you're even saying let alon what you are talking about and shuld stop being such a liberal

Side: Yes I suport the police
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

Thank you for that brilliant counter argument, I must say the reasons you gave really swayed my overall position.

When you resort to name calling and insulting devoid of an actual argument, you make yourself look like you don't have an actual argument.

Side: No I support the criminals
2 points

Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one

For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun

To be beatin on, and throwin in jail

We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell

Judas will swarm, on any muthafucka in a blue uniform

Just cuz I'm from the 206, punk police don't know what to do with this!


Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Do you have an argument or are you just trolling? Because I feel I should warn you I ban trollz

Side: Yes I suport the police
judas(295) Disputed
1 point

Clearly I'm giving my opinion on the topic, so your cuntiness is unnecessary. Didn't you make this debate so that people could voice their opinions?

Question: "Do the police deserve more respect?"

Answer: "Fuck the police"

What's the problem?

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

Dang, that is sexy. ;)

Side: No I support the criminals

Ok you cant say we support the criminals, thats unfair and a stupid debate, i say FUCK THE POLICE, but that doesnt mean i support criminals, police are bad, mkay? Sure they hold up the law, but a citizen with a gun can hold up the law too, but the law is inadequate and contradictory within itself, but that doesnt mean i dont have respect for the people behind the uniforms, its just when they express their bigoted power, problems start to arise

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

"citizens with guns can uphold the law" yeah that's what cops are and yes if you hate cops if you want cops gone then every ccrimminal in the nation agrees with you

Side: Yes I suport the police
1 point

i didnt say i hate them, i respect them until they start to express bigoted power, and the laws are stupid, we all know they are, theres no point in defending stupid laws

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Are you seriously suggesting that your rites would be violated less by armed bands of vigilantes than by trained and sworn police officers seriously?

Side: Yes I suport the police
1 point

Police are corrupt and unnecessary.

Legalize drugs and it all changes. Just legalize a few things that citizens do that don't hurt others and there will be a HUGE shift in respect for police.

In fact, I don't really respect the government either. If it ends war and gives more freedom, then I think citizens will respond and respect them too more.

All a citizen wants is freedom, not oppression. End the oppression and the government becomes a friend.

Until then, it is the enemy.

Side: No I support the criminals

I agree, if drugs were legalized, like alcohol, but not taxed at exorbitant prices, then we would be fine. People who say "oh well everyone would be overdosing and dying in the streets" No, it would not happen that way.

Just look at alcohol, thats a drug, there will always be the people who abuse it, or use it in moderation, if someone wants to take 5 hits of acid, let them. They wont ever do it again probably, and would learn, hey, thats not too fun.

I think legalizing drugs would be the best step we could take.

And this is off topic... lol

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

But why hate the police for the drug laws hate your state legislature and the government if that's your problem cops don't make laws they just enforce them

Side: Yes I suport the police
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Because they have a choice to enforce unfair law. They are people too, no matter what, and they can make intelligent decisions.

If they cannot think for themselves, then I have no reason to respect them, except for their guns and back up they can call in.

Often, it is not even that, it is just a power they have that they abuse. The very personality of a person who becomes a cop plays into it. Some are clearly interested in doing good and helping people, but some just like guns and use that to take advantage of people who might break laws, but harm no one.

Side: No I support the criminals
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

Why hate the Nazi soldiers who murdered Jewish prisoners, hate the government instead, the Nazis didn't make the laws requiring the murder of various demographics, they just enforced them!

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

No, fuck the goddamn po-po. Abuse of power doesn't get as up close and personal on a more frequent basis than with those guys.

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

No, fuck the goddamn po-po. Abuse of power doesn't get up close and personal on a more frequent basis than with those guys.

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

That may have soe thing to do with the way the public treats them don't you think

Side: Yes I suport the police
anachronist(886) Disputed
2 points

It might have something to do with the way they like to beat the public with sticks and are legally allowed to do so

Side: No I support the criminals

"Protect and Serve" is a phrase with dishonest implications because the police doesn't protect individuals, it actually protects the government, it serves the laws passed by government.

Side: No I support the criminals
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Nice grammar idiot go lern English then participate you illiterate peace of getto trash

Side: Yes I suport the police
2 points

Classic Name calling with quips at my grammer, yet no respones with intelligence.

Side: No I support the criminals
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Where did you lern English?

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

There are a few good Coppers but the majority are arses, ive known coppers who consider it a bad night if theres no trouble and they dont get to bust heads, ive also known coppers who hate kids and when their on duty harrass them for no reason, then complain no one respects them. Respect is earned its not something that comes automatically with a badge and a Uniform.

Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

Although I don't support the criminal's I don't think respect should be afforded to anyone until they prove they deserve your respect,there's nothing wrong with curtosy but respect has to be earnt,just wearing a uniform does'nt entitle you to be respected.

Side: No I support the criminals

drew peterson (ex police chief) of illinois just got 38 years for killing wife #3 (#4 is still missing).... police & like most government employees are criminals...go to youtube and search "police brutally" to learn more. or just have a look at these two and tell me if they are heartless criminals that deserve respect...

pigs on patrol
Side: No I support the criminals

here is a early morning raid that quickly turns into a cold blooded murder

pigs kill a man thats armed with a golf club
Side: No I support the criminals
1 point

The police get exactly how much respect their actions entitle them to. If people do not respect the police, it is because of the history of the police of acting unjustly and violating the trust of the public which they are meant to be protecting.

Side: No I support the criminals